Paul Stear wrote:
> Hi all,
> Something seriously changed from 7.1 to 7.2 and I have not had any solution
> to my problem.
> The install of 7.1 went without a hitch and all was well in the Mandrake
> world and I was very pleased with the distribution.  However, trying an
> upgrade caused problems, then a complete new install of 7.2 could not be
> achieved due to the install system stopping after the detection of hda.  I
> have followed all advice from this list and on the Mandrake sight but to no
> avail.
> I am now running redhat 7.0 which at least installed OK and I have kde2
> running well.
> I still prefer the Mandrake system and would love to be able to install it
> again.  It will install if I remove my promise ultra66 card and hard disks.
> - Note - Mandrake 7.1 recognised this card and would allow me to use the
> disks.
> The redhat 7.0 system did install but didn't recognise the ultra66 card on
> installation but I was able to add the two extra hard disks after
> installation.  This is not ideal because because my hda disk is slower than
> my hde or hdf.

This is the Promise Ultra 66 card? Hmmm... not going to be of much help to
know this but I have this card and the 7.2 install recognized it fine. Is
there any chance you have some type of interrupt conflict going on there? 


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