On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 11:17:13AM +0100, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 January 2003 06:44, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 22:49, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> > > Sorry to bother you, but we were discussing whether there will be a
> > > future for MandrakeSoft.
> > > After tonight I wonder whether there will be a future for us all and
> > > the world as we know it.
> > > I listened to the US-Amercan president.
> > > I'm not religious, I wish I were. This madman and the options he has
> > > scare me to death.

> > > wobo

I guess that perhaps is the way America and the uk feel when they
hear your chancellor repetively refer "the german way". Talk about
scarey stuff, deja vu.

> First of all, this is not the right place to discuss this .. but we had many
> OT-discussions here, why not these...
Yep, might as well get your two euro's in as well.

> > I don't take kindly to my president being called a madman.  Especially
> > when he is fighting a *real* madman that has slaughtered over 230,000
> > innocent kurds with mustard gas; plus done God knows what else to his
> > own people; President Bush was descriptive of some of those things.
> > You've got the wrong f*cking madman, pal.  If he's a madman then
> > everybody else in the room was also, cause he got well over 9 standing
> > ovations that I could count.  He also has had the highest approval
> > rating of any president in US history.  He also has my undivided
> > attention and support.  So maybe the majority of Americans are madmen
> > then?  Or more likely there is something seriously wrong with the German
> > side of the equation.  Ah, yeah, given history, I'd say definitely so.
> >

> That comment really pisses ME off.

> > It pisses me off when other countries that have no ethics or balls to do
> > the right thing in defense of innocents criticize my country and my
> > president.

> WTF ....... You think war is the only way ? You think US-american have the
> right for being world-police ? ....
No, I don't think war is the only way. As for the US-American (sic)
having the right to be the world police, I don't care much for that
notion either. I am a firm believer that the US should withdraw from
NATO and let the europeans deal with their own issues. Might as well
withdraw from the United Nations as well, as it most certainly as
become as weak as the United League ever was.

> >  Germany's histories regarding innocent life are not exactly
> > something to brag about; however I'm not posting rants regarding Hitler
> > and the Holocaust and 6 million Jews that were murdered.  Oh yeah, and
> > the fact that the US was one of the primary forces that put a stop to
> > it.  Madmen, eh?  yeah, I can certainly talk about some madmen; like the
> > ones that murder Jews.  However I'm starting to understand why the
> > Mandrake lists should minimize political talk; because I am extremely
> > pissed right now.  I suggest that this conversation go elsewhere; like
> > maybe to my personal inbox, where I will be more than glad to finish
> > this dance.
Well, I understand you are mad..as you should be. Perhaps you wish
you had put things a bit more eloquently :)

> How much have you understood what war means ? How much are you informed what
> people here in germany think ? How much are you interested to understand
> whats going on in minds here ? I would say THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE !
I will pass on this, except to ask you this. Wasn't you chancellor
just returned to power based on the anti-americanism in germany?
Pretty much sums up the mind set of the voters in that election.

Dallam Wych               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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