On Wednesday 29 January 2003 09:36 am, Chuck Burns wrote:
> On Wed, January 29 2003 8:19 am, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> *snip*
> > Cowardice has nothing to do with the brain. It is downright dumb to
> > call someone a coward who looks and thinks before he follows blindly.
> *snip*
> No, but completely disregarding the facts does have a lot to do with the
> brain.
> FACT: Iraq has had 12 years to destroy it's NCB weapons, it has not done
> so. FACT: Iraq was given a last chance, under UN Resolution 1441, to
> publicly disarm, in front of UN inspectors, and must comply FULLY, even
> Hans Blix states they have not done so.
> FACT: Saddam Hussein has used Chemical and Biological weapons against his
> OWN people
> FACT: When the UN signed Resoluion 1441, it stated certain things that must
> be done by a certain time, or the UN would use force. That time is here,
> and those things are NOT done, according to Hans Blix.
> FACT: Now, that the resolution has NOT been accepted, several nations are
> backing down from their original agreement to use force if Iraq did NOT
> comply fully.
> FACT: The French have oil contracts with Iraq.
> FACT: Nearly all the Iraqi weapons are of old Soviet design, where did they
> get these designs? Russia and her neighbors, under the old USSR
> Now.. You explain to me why these nations are reneging on their signed
> documents?  Why, all of a sudden, the SAME nations who AGREED to Resolution
> 1441, now are saying that it shouldn't be carried out?  Please, explain
> that to me.  I am waiting.

I can explain.

Bush chooses internationalism when it suits him.

He scuttled Kyoto, ABM and the Biological weapons protocols and ignores the 
Viena and Geneva conventions.

The lone voice crying in the wilderness is often correct, the biggest bully on 
the block is rarely so.

Good grief. It was Nixon, Reagan and the elder Bush who put much of that 
together all to be destroyed in two short years by Bush the younger.

Jim Tarvid

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