Bhairitu wrote:
> My guru has had to undo the damage that people got 
> from just picking up some mantra from a book.
Apparently your guru is a mere retired pilot from the
Indian Air Force - hardly someone who would be knowing 
anything about Tantricism in downtown Oakland.

In fact ALL bija mantras originate from books - that's 
what the Tantras are - books of bija mantras and 
techniques. ALL the mantras are included in the 
Vedic literature.
> Indiscriminately given mantras can make someone 
> insane.  Playing around with mantras without the 
> proper training can be like playing with fire.  
This is funny. Some people actually believe that
repeating non-sense syllables will bring them closer 
to enlightenment. This must be the Age of Kali!

> Even then most gurus stick with what they've 
It's just like selling water down by the river.

> learned through tradition.
Otherwise, the bija mantras would just be made up 
by con men, snake charmers, babas and fakirs in 
order to delude the public.

Bija mantras have no semantic meaning - you won't find 
a single bija mantra in any standard Sanskrit lexicon.

Probably not one person, in the whole history of mankind,
has ever been enlightened by repeating gibberish.

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