That's why I practice a school of village tantra.  It is simple because 
people in villages didn't get expensive educations.  For the modern 
person in our complex society the simpler these things are taught the 
better.  I think many of the extrapolations which are complex appeal to 
people who worship complexity because it makes them feel secure.

Larry wrote:
> you're making this way too complicated, simplify, simplify, there's
> nothing to this
> --- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2008, at 5:33 PM, endlessrainintoapapercup wrote:
>>> < Some yogis have noted TMers--esp. TM-Sidhi practitioners have blocks
>>> in their "nervous system" (actually their pranic bodies) that can  
>>> prevent such full
>>> awakening.>
>>> What exactly causes these alleged blocks?
>> Imbalanced kundalini risings which take "non-culminating" routes.  
>> Several people with vajra-nadi risings that I've spoken to. They  
>> believe "sidhi" cultivation has a lot to do with it.
>> See
>> These people--a swami from the Saraswati order and his American  
>> lineholder--have spent a lot of time helping old TMers, including some  
>> higher-ups who skidaddled the TMO years ago. They also come to  
>> Fairfield from what I see every now and again.
>> One letter from one of MMY's old close students, Earl Kaplan, is in  
>> the FFL archives. He seems to feel it was deliberate, but who knows?

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