--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Nice site Vaj-Just a few items the TMorg doesn't have the slightest
idea about, how pathetic!! (the TM org)

See http://www.kundalinicare.com/aboutkundalini3.html

> On Mar 11, 2008, at 5:33 PM, endlessrainintoapapercup wrote:
> > < Some yogis have noted TMers--esp. TM-Sidhi practitioners have blocks
> > in their "nervous system" (actually their pranic bodies) that can  
> > prevent such full
> > awakening.>
> >
> > What exactly causes these alleged blocks?
> Imbalanced kundalini risings which take "non-culminating" routes.  
> Several people with vajra-nadi risings that I've spoken to. They  
> believe "sidhi" cultivation has a lot to do with it.
> See http://www.kundalinicare.com/aboutkundalini3.html
> These people--a swami from the Saraswati order and his American  
> lineholder--have spent a lot of time helping old TMers, including some  
> higher-ups who skidaddled the TMO years ago. They also come to  
> Fairfield from what I see every now and again.
> One letter from one of MMY's old close students, Earl Kaplan, is in  
> the FFL archives. He seems to feel it was deliberate, but who knows?

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