--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> You've never quite gotten the concept of simply
> wanting to have things on the record, have you?

What I've never "gotten" (and I don't think 
I'm alone here in this), is your perceived
need *to* "go on the record" on a forum read
by at most 20 to 30 people on the planet to
"defend yourself" from "misrepresentations"
of things you have said or things you have

I don't think there is anyone else on this
forum who feels a similar need. In other words, 
the rest are sane, and have a more balanced 
view of their own importance in the overall 
scheme of things, as well as the relative
importance of anyone else who says something
about them here. 

You, on the other hand, seem to feel this need
to go on the record and "rebut" or "correct"
EVERYTHING said about you that doesn't agree 
with your own view of yourself.

<insert Dr. Phil voice here> 
How's that workin' out for ya? 

Do you honestly think that you have changed
even one person's mind about some description
of you that offends you? Some description of
you that Just Doesn't Fuckin' Matter to anyone 

Do you think that anyone (besides yourself) 
will *ever* regard this place as somewhere that
they want to research the "record" of? You keep
asking (or demanding) that people "go back and
read <such-and-such> post that I made <whenever>"

THAT is what I don't understand. What gives you 
the idea that *anything* you say is important 
enough to read twice? 

Or even once, for that matter?  :-)

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