--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > You've never quite gotten the concept of simply
> > wanting to have things on the record, have you?
> What I've never "gotten" (and I don't think 
> I'm alone here in this), is your perceived
> need *to* "go on the record" on a forum read
> by at most 20 to 30 people on the planet to
> "defend yourself" from "misrepresentations"
> of things you have said or things you have
> done. 

Actually I put on the record rebuttals of all
kinds of misrepresentations, as you know, not
just of things I've said or done.

And considering your perceived need to put on
the record a daily quota of elaborate and
often malicious putdowns of other people, I
should think you'd find the concept rather
easy to understand. The only difference is that
you put misrepresentations on the record, and
I put rebuttals of misrepresentations (often
yours) on the record.

> I don't think there is anyone else on this
> forum who feels a similar need.

That's up to them, isn't it? You take great
pride in considering yourself an "outlaw" who
doesn't follow the crowd, and here you are
trying to put me down for doing the same.

 In other words, 
> the rest are sane, and have a more balanced 
> view of their own importance in the overall 
> scheme of things

Most of them don't feel the need to engage in
constant gratuitous putdowns of others, either.
You have some competition in Vaj and Sal, but
you're the undisputed king of nasty attacks.

, as well as the relative
> importance of anyone else who says something
> about them here. 
> You, on the other hand, seem to feel this need
> to go on the record and "rebut" or "correct"
> EVERYTHING said about you that doesn't agree 
> with your own view of yourself.

And you seem to feel this need to go on the
record and viciously "rebut" or "correct"
anyone who doesn't, in your mind at least, see
life quite the same way you do.

> <insert Dr. Phil voice here> 
> How's that workin' out for ya? 

How's it working out for *ya*?

What you're really objecting to here is that a
lot of my rebuttals and corrections are of
things *you've* felt the need to put on the
record. You want to have a free hand with your
putdowns; you don't want to be accountable for
them. And I stand in the way.

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