On Aug 3, 2010, at 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
>> I decided to go back and clear up a bunch of your
>> misrepresentations, Curtis (inadvertent or otherwise),
>> in this earlier post from you (breaking Barry's Rule
>> again; oh, well!):
> Translation: "Ooops. I pretended to bail from the 
> argument with Curtis too soon. Now I'm lonely and
> no one will argue with me. So I'll try to sucker
> Curtis into restarting the argument with me, and in 
> the process invoke Barry's name 7 or 8 times so that 
> maybe if Curtis agrees with me about something...
> anything...I can pretend that he is disagreeing 
> with Barry. Yeah...that's the ticket."  :-)

Judy has once again, since she's getting her butt
royally kicked by Curtis, done what she always does
when cornered:  made the discussion/argument
about the discussion rather than any
of Curtis's actual points~~which she can't refute.  And
it never seems to occur to our editor, that if 
someone~~and esp. someone who writes as well
as Curtis~~thinks her writing is unclear and 
"convoluted," that, by golly~~maybe it is!  Maybe,
just maybe, her hostility is so intense that it
gets in the way of any point she is trying to make.
But no~~she'll once again do what she always does:
makes it about everyone else.  Sad.  


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