--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> Judy has once again, since she's getting her butt
> royally kicked by Curtis, done what she always does
> when cornered:

Says Sal, working very hard to move up to Barry's
level on the deluded fantasy scale.

  made the discussion/argument
> about the discussion rather than any
> of Curtis's actual points~~which she can't refute.

<belly laugh>

Says Sal, who never has any problems refuting
*anybody's* points, because she doesn't have the
guts, or the brains, to even try in the first

> it never seems to occur to our editor, that if 
> someone~~and esp. someone who writes as well
> as Curtis~~thinks her writing is unclear and 
> "convoluted," that, by golly~~maybe it is!

Yeah, I don't think he thinks my *writing* is
unclear and convoluted; it's my reasoning he
has trouble with.

> just maybe, her hostility is so intense that it
> gets in the way of any point she is trying to make.
> But no~~she'll once again do what she always does:
> makes it about everyone else.  Sad.  

Unlike Sal, of course, who never does anything but
discuss substantive points, has absolutely no 
hostility to get in her way, and *never ever* makes
a discussion about anyone else.

Jeez. Sal. Dig yourself for a change. You're not
only climbing the fantasy ladder to reach Barry's
heights, you're climbing his projection ladder
as well.

Watch out, Barry. I don't think there's room for
both of you up there.

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