On 5/3/2014 6:25 PM, lengli...@cox.net wrote:
> Notice that phrase "a second time".
> Implicit in that is thinking "the mantra at least once."
> And you don't have to remember to think the mantra at least once. 
> Thinking the mantra can be spontaneous, even from the very start.
You have to remember to sit down and meditate.

For me this is quite a challenge in the first place, since I'm so busy 
these days posting and dialoging on FFL 24 x 7 about TM and the 
mechanics of consciousness, levitation and stuff.

But, one time when I was waiting in the car for Rita, I thought of my 
mantra and so I closed my eyes for a minute of two and it was very 
restful. It probably was just like what happened to the Buddha sitting 
under a tree that night, except I was on the corner of rush-hour traffic 
on a sunny afternoon in downtown Dallas. Go figure.

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