>Yet many who support government funding of art are repelled by the notion of
>government support of religion. Why?

IMNSHO.  For one thing, religion is "organized" and art isn't. 
Public radio and TV are as close as we come to having public 
supported lobbying organizations of any size.  And they do not have 
as much emotional power over their "followers" as religions do.  For 
another, art is the means by which a culture is transmitted from one 
generation to another.  If we believe that American culture is worth 
preserving, we need to support the arts.  Unfortunately, at the 
moment, sports is the essence of US culture.  Some of us don't 
believe that constant, primarily physical, competition is the only 
way to live a happy successful life.  But that is our current legacy. 
The arts have traditionally given people a way to express themselves 
without infringing on someone else's rights.  Anyone who wonders how 
our society has become so violent and sex-oriented needs to look 
inward.  What options do we give our children?  What do they see on 
TV and in movies and hear in their music?  How are our children 
taught to release intense emotions?  What can we expect?

How many countries with religious governments are healthy?  Religion 
breeds fanatics in far greater numbers and in far more violent 
strains than art does.  Few people are willing to kill others for 
art.  Many people are willing to kill those who disagree with their 
religious prejudices.  The US is either a so-called Christian nation 
or it is a pluralist society.  The Constitution tries to preserve 
pluralism by putting restraints on those who would impose their 
religious beliefs on everyone else.  I attend church every week and 
serve on the altar as well as sing in the choir, assign the altar 
servers and work with kids choirs.  But that doesn't mean I think 
this church has all the answers.  I oppose any government involvement 
in this church or any other religion.  But I do what I can to support 
the arts.  I wish more people did.  And I wish more artists were less 
rather stupidly confrontational.  The arts might not get the flak it 
does now.  At least they aren't physically violent.

Shelley Huston, MusiCopyist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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