Stokes, Randy wrote:
>Or could it be that religion is a deeply personal matter that government
>simply has no right meddling with? Support the church of your choice, or
>none at all if you wish. Just don't take *my* money to support *your*
>Why can't art be treated the same way?

Meddling vs. laissez faire. It is a false dichotomy. We have a mixed 
economy and have had one for a very long time.

Randy, I'm always surprised when you write about no governmental 
support of the arts when, I'm guessing, most of Coda's clientele 
receives, or has received, benefits from the government in various 

I'll use part of my own history as an example of what I mean:

I studied music at Indiana University, a land grant college--a major 
historical governmental support system. Indiana, like any university, 
also relies on donations which gives the donator certain tax 
advantages. The buildings and programs at the university were funded 
by a mix of private money and student's money, but mostly government 

I earned some of my tuition through summer jobs and teaching 
assistantships, but I also relied on government-sponsored student 
loans and also bursaries and scholarships that had some state money 
in them. My teachers and fellow students also needed similar support 
in their time.

Today, when I get a commission to write a new piece (Finale content 
here!) chances are that the commissioning orchestra or group has 
received support through an arms-length, government-supported arts 
council, or, from a private foundation, endowment, or donor that 
enjoys government-regulated tax advantages.

You will be hard-pressed to find an industry or occupation that has 
not had, or continue to have, subsidies, grants, tax benefits, 
tariffs and duties, low interest loans, planned procurement, or other 
forms of governmental assistance. (I'm also including religious 
groups which get tax status, and sometimes matching governmental 
funds for some of their programs: literacy, relief, development and 
so on.)

The western economy is a mixed one. Debate what the right mixture 
should be if you want, but lets not pretend that support of the arts 
is an either/or proposition.

-Randolph Peters
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