Hi Chuck,

Jerry's right, just quit GPO Studio when that happens, and everything should go back to normal. Although I have only seen what you describe once, and that was on 10.3.9 (I'm waiting for 10.4.2 before installing Tiger). And I frequently leave GPO Studio running in the background for days.

Everything not only slows down, but sound, keyboard and mouse response, become intermittent to the point of uselessness, and a restart is required.

Normally, that's a sign of RAM saturation, but you have plenty of RAM. However, it's possible there could be a memory leak in one of the apps you are using? When this happens, are you running anything other than GPO Studio and Finale? Any third-party utilities running in the background?

The UI for GPO Studio does suck. I've never tried double-clicking on a studio setup, I just double-click on the GPO Studio app, then select Open from the File menu (which, for some godawful reason, is not even mapped to cmd-O!) and pick the setup I need from there. Then it asks me if I want to save the (noexistent) changes the existing (empty) setup -- grr.

If you can get Gary to do something about these annoyances, that would be great.

and thumpy pizz. bass (kind of awful)

A couple of things you can do to (somewhat) alleviate the awfulness -- adjust the pan so that it's centered (instead of 92% right) and adjust the duration from 50% to 75-100% (depending on the tempo).

It's never going to sound like Oscar Pettiford, or, well, _you_ (at least, not yet!) but it's much better than the default settings.

I have learned to look at the activity monitor, though I'm not sure I understand all its implications. One thing, however, seems awry, and that is that GPO is hogging between 65 and 75% of the CPU. Does that seem right?

During playback, yes.  Sitting idle, absolutely not.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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