On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Steven L Hess <sh...@bak.rr.com> wrote:
> That was with no RF out it bumps up to about -80 on the display with 17
> watts out displayed under fldigi. DM780 has a spurs too.  -100 on the
> display with 26 watts out on the display at 14.070. -80 on 7.035 with 21
> watts actually on the air.  I guess I am just overly concerned with what
> I can see.
> I don't see a filter as a solution as it defeats the purpose of how
> PSK31 software works. You could be constantly modifying your filter
> where you should just be selecting a frequency with your mouse. Since
> radio is better the software needs to be better too.

I use narrow transmit filters with fldigi. The trick is to use the QSY
feature in fldigi to bring the signal to one AF frequency, the "sweet
spot". I set that to be 1500 Hz and then set my RX filter (and TX
filter) around that. Click tune the desired signal and then hit the
QSY button.

Actually I have taking to doing the click tuning using the waterfall
in PowerSDR instead of in fldigi. With the DIGU offset set to the
"sweet spot" (1500Hz), I just click on the signal in PowerSDR and
>POOF< instant copy.

Dave, W1HKJ, has made improvements to the spectral purity of fldigi. I
noticed the same thing you did and pointed it out to him in Oliva. The
extra products are now down substantially (more than 80dB) which is
plenty adequate.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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