On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Durk Talsma <durkt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> PS: what about the 2.2 release first ? I see plans for lots of code.
> Yeah, we should get back to that. What is the current status? I have spend
> a lot of time doing the prepatory work for an eventual release during my
> holiday, but apparently no release has happened during my absence. Are there
> still any showstoppers?

I seem to recall James mentioned the a couple issues remained, but I don't
recall ever hearing specifically what those issues where.  He has been
buried by real life lately so he hasn't had the chance to jump in much
lately.  I haven't heard much from Tim either.

On my end I have been packaging and uploading the cutting edge executables
from the hudson build server along with the current data package from git.
 That is pushing about 400Mb as a single setup.exe right now.  When we do a
real release, we should be able to do bittorrent seeded through ibiblio.org.

Curtis Olson:
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