> I strongly disagree.  Since I joined the project the FreeCol project,
> the minor version has only changed when we make an incompatible change to
> the save game format, in the sense of no longer being able to import games
> written by the previous minor version. ATM we still support the 0.10.x
> format, so there is no urgency to bump the minor version.  Furthermore we
> have recent valid bug reports with 0.10.x-originated games attached, so
> there may be user impact to consider.

Your view is definitely the other side of the coin. If FreeCol is using the
SemVar version schema, breaking API (or in this case save game files),
wouldn't matter in beta. If not (and FreeCol uses its own version schema),
then that what you're saying is fine.

My view on the matter is that the jump from 0.10.3 to now is so big that it
"deserves" a minor point bump on that alone. TBH, it's not that big of a

> > FreeCol should take advantage of any features of Java 1.7 that it can.
> Quite a few Java 7 improvements have been made (for example use of
> the diamond operator, variables in try blocks).  Do you have anything in
> mind that we are not doing?

Not to my knowledge, I was just stating a general principal that we
shouldn't let some out-dated feature from < 1.6 hold up the project.

As of this morning though I could not access the website.
> That obviously blocks the release, but I also need to delete a few
> files there that Caleb cleaned up a while ago from the git master.

I did some additional cleaning after the first run through that you
uploaded to the site. It appears that the later changes were not uploaded.

As for updating the website, it's obviously not as easy (from a one- or
two-click point of view) now that's all HTML. For example, the news pages
and indexes won't update automatically anymore, so pagination is a problem.

At least the following pages need to be updated for a release:

   - /index.html
   - /download.html
   - /news/index.html
   - /news/releases.html
   - /news/[all pages for pagination purposes]
   - /news/releases/[all pages for pagination purposes]

RSS feeds may need to be removed, or otherwise also manually updated.
Additionally, there may be others.

I was mostly unaffected by the outage.  Any new work I found to do
> could be done in my local git tree.  I was the lucky one who had made
> the last commit:-) so currency was not a problem.  A minor issue is
> that my patch queue is now annoyingly large, but a lot of that is just
> due to not wanting to touch the strings pre-release.  So, I think you
> have a slight point, perhaps we should have a nightly backup of the
> git tree at a secondary location.

Based on my new(ish) experience with GitHub and GitLab, I'm starting to
think that hosting our repository off SourceForge may be better. There just
seems to be too many issues with SF implementing a lot of things

The ability to add build-support tools such as Travis CI <
http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/java/> and Scrutinizer CI <
https://scrutinizer-ci.com/docs/build/environment#java> to GitHub are also
a huge plus as well. It appears that both can support OpenJDK versions and
Oracle versions. That could help suss out some issues with different


*Caleb R. Williams*
Freecol-developers mailing list

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