On 11/07/2016 12:59 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:

I like this quote better:
"The point is not to despair, for that is exactly the reaction that people like 
Trump want to induce in those who oppose him. The point is to push."

During an argument (with liberals, but over beer, so it was OK) Friday night, I 
was describing how robots could do lots of things we simply won't do (like read 
and criticize journal articles to help mitigate things like this: 
http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/3/9/160384 -- or perhaps analyze 
650k emails looking for classified info).  I lamented the loss of menial tasks 
to the robots ... like grinding and brewing coffee... which is a more pleasant 
experience than drinking it.  My liberal friends trotted out the idea that 
there is no rational argument for voting for Trump, to which I applied the 
molotov coctail argument.  They both accepted that it was rational, but 

I have the same existential reaction to robots brewing coffee as I do Trump being 
elected.  It's not dread, at all.  It's exciting.  I can't empathize with Trump voters 
any more than I can empathize with vandals, MMA fighters, or the drug addicts I 
sporadically bump into on city streets.  But I do get excited... danger is good ... and 
not roller coaster "danger"... _real_ danger.  It's good for the soul to find 
yourself in a dangerous situation and search for ways out of it.  It's fun when you're 
forced to code switch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-switching) ... which I expect 
I'll be doing if Trump is elected. 8^)

☣ glen

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