"I have the same existential reaction to robots brewing coffee as I do
Trump being elected.  It's not dread, at all.  It's exciting."

I guess I have less tolerance for excitement than you have. But then,
living at a distance (Ecuador) from the fracus, I am somewhat insulated
from the immediate effects of the election. Still, the bulk of my nest egg
is in the USA, so I don't want to see the whole thing fall apart.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 5:36 PM, glen ☣ <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/07/2016 12:59 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/07/opinion/on-election-eve-a-
>> brexistential-dread.html
> I like this quote better:
> "The point is not to despair, for that is exactly the reaction that people
> like Trump want to induce in those who oppose him. The point is to push."
> During an argument (with liberals, but over beer, so it was OK) Friday
> night, I was describing how robots could do lots of things we simply won't
> do (like read and criticize journal articles to help mitigate things like
> this: http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/3/9/160384 -- or
> perhaps analyze 650k emails looking for classified info).  I lamented the
> loss of menial tasks to the robots ... like grinding and brewing coffee...
> which is a more pleasant experience than drinking it.  My liberal friends
> trotted out the idea that there is no rational argument for voting for
> Trump, to which I applied the molotov coctail argument.  They both accepted
> that it was rational, but unreasonable.
> I have the same existential reaction to robots brewing coffee as I do
> Trump being elected.  It's not dread, at all.  It's exciting.  I can't
> empathize with Trump voters any more than I can empathize with vandals, MMA
> fighters, or the drug addicts I sporadically bump into on city streets.
> But I do get excited... danger is good ... and not roller coaster
> "danger"... _real_ danger.  It's good for the soul to find yourself in a
> dangerous situation and search for ways out of it.  It's fun when you're
> forced to code switch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code-switching) ...
> which I expect I'll be doing if Trump is elected. 8^)
> --
> ☣ glen
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