Good site, and highly useful methinks when the audio gamemaker comes out. 
Some of their selections were a bit odd though.

thinking rpg environments, i was looking for some wind sound effects. 
Searching under "wind" brought me lots of smashing window sounds, whilst 
searching under "weather" got some wonderful rain and thunder effects, but 
no wind.

Also, when trying to find ambience for dungeon environments, the only entry 
it got me (when I searched under "Tunnels" was an underground train ;D. 
Though I would guess that a dungeon environment would be fairly easy to 
recreate using the audio game maker's own acoustics, and maybe some dripping 
water or burning torche effects for a bit of atmosphere.

Hopefully though, once a community of audio game producers has built up, 
there will be a fair library of generic object sounds available to use. 
though I don't think it would be right to copy the sounds people create 
themselves, specifically for charactors or situations in their own games.

so, taking sod as an example, sounds like the wind, step, and weapon firing 
sounds would probably be okay to copy, sinse they're fairly generic objects, 
but the monster sounds are unique to sod. If you coppied the mutant human 
sound into your own game, for all intents and purposes, your monsters are 
then Sod mutant humans, whatever you intend them to be. so if you used the 
mutant human sound for an ogre in a fantasy game, it wouldn't actually be an 
ogre, imho it'd be more like a sod mutant human pretending to be an ogre.

it would be like cutting the sprites (graffic representations of 
charactors), out of one main stream game and coppying them into another, and 
in most cases this isn't exactly legal.

Of course, if you were making a sod 2 or something like, you'd need the 
mutant human sound to represent mutant humans.

but other than that, i really! don't think coppying the charactor sounds 
from other games is a good idea, even if it were legal.

Beware the Grue!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sarah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Audio Game Maker - Sneak Peek

> Thanks I got it the site sounds pretty good. I hear some ambeient sounds
> along with the main sound effect tha tis suposed to be playing. should I
> just deal with it? ah well no worries.
> SA&g

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