On Saturday, 15 June 2024 07:53:06 BST Dale wrote:
> Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > On Sunday, 2 June 2024 16:11:38 BST Dale wrote:
> >> My plan, given it is a 1TB, use maybe 300GBs of it.  Leave the rest
> >> blank.  Have the /boot, EFI directory, root and maybe put /var on a
> >> separate partition.  I figure for the boot stuff, 3GBs would be plenty
> >> for all combined.  Make them large so they can grow.  Make root, which
> >> would include /usr, say 150GBs.  /var can be around 10GBs.  My current
> >> OS is on a 160GB drive.  I wish I could get the nerve up to use LVM on
> >> everything except the boot stuff, /boot and the EFI stuff.  If I make
> >> them like above, I should be good for a long time.  Could go much larger
> >> tho.  Could use maybe 700GBs of it.  I assume it would use the unused
> >> part if needed.  I still don't know a lot about those things.  Mostly
> >> what I see posted on this list really.
> > 
> > Doesn't everyone mount /tmp and /var/tmp/portage on tmpfs these days? I
> > use
> > hard disk for a few large packages, but I'm not convinced it's needed -
> > except when running an emerge -e, that is, when they can get in the way
> > of lots of others. That's why, some months ago, I suggested introducing
> > an ability to mark some packages for compilation solitarily. (Is that a
> > word?)
> > 
> > Here's the output of parted -l on my main NVMe disk in case it helps:
> > 
> > Model: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 250GB (nvme)
> > Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 250GB
> > Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
> > Partition Table: gpt
> > Disk Flags:
> > 
> > Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name      Flags
> > 
> >  1      1049kB  135MB   134MB
> >  2      135MB   4296MB  4161MB  fat32           boot      boot, esp
> >  3      4296MB  12.9GB  8590MB  linux-swap(v1)  swap1     swap
> >  4      12.9GB  34.4GB  21.5GB  ext4            rescue
> >  5      34.4GB  60.1GB  25.8GB  ext4            root
> >  6      60.1GB  112GB   51.5GB  ext4            var
> >  7      112GB   114GB   2147MB  ext4            local
> >  8      114GB   140GB   25.8GB  ext4            home
> >  9      140GB   183GB   42.9GB  ext4            common
> > 
> > The common partition is mounted under my home directory, to keep
> > everything
> > I'd want to preserve if I made myself a new user account. It's v. useful,
> > too.
> I'm starting the process here.  I'm trying to follow the install guide
> but this is still not clear to me and the guide is not helping.  In your
> list above, is #2 where /boot is mounted?  Is that where I put kernels,
> init thingys, memtest and other images to boot from? 

I'm simplifying this to keep it short, but you can understand the UEFI MoBo 
firmware to be no different than the legacy CMOS code on your old MoBo, except 
upgraded, much larger and more powerful in its capabilities.  In particular, 
it can access, load and execute directly specially structured executables, 
stored as *.efi files on a GPT formatted disk, in the EFI System Partition 
(ESP).  The ESP should be formatted as FAT32 and contain a directory named EFI 
in its top level, where any .EFI executables should be stored.  The ESP does 
not have to be the first partition on the disk, the UEFI firmware will scan 
and find .efi files in whichever FAT32 partition they are stored.


1. Some MoBo's UEFI firmware offer a 'Compatibility Support Module' (CSM) 
setting, which if enabled will allow disks with a DOS partition table and a 
boot loader in the MBR to be booted by the UEFI MoBo.  Since you are starting 
from scratch and you're not installing Windows 98 there is no reason to have 
this feature enabled.  I suggest you follow the handbook and use a GPT 
partitioned disk with an ESP installed boot loader.

2. The UEFI firmware is capable of loading Linux kernels directly without a 
3rd party boot loader, as long as the kernels have been created to include the 
'EFI stub'.  This makes the kernel image executable by the UEFI firmware, 
without the intervention of a boot loader/manager like GRUB:


Multibooting of different OSs or kernels can be managed thereafter by using 
the CLI tool efibootmgr, or the UEFI boot menu (by pressing F2, DEL, or some 
such key during POST).


Given the above you broadly have the following choices:

a) Simplest, direct, without a 3rd party bootloader:

Mount your ESP under the /boot mountpoint and drop your kernel .efi images in 
there, under the /boot/EFI/ directory, then boot them directly using the UEFI 
firmware or efibootmgr to switch between them.

b) Using a bootloader:

Mount your ESP under the /efi mountpoint.  GRUB et al, will install their .efi 
image in the /efi/EFI/ directory.  You can have your /boot as a directory on 
your / partition, or on its own separate partition with a more robust fs type 
than ESP's FAT and your kernel images will be installed in there.

c) For systemd you can mount your ESP under the /efi mountpoint for the 
bootloader's .efi image and then add a new 'Extended Bootloader' partition 
type XBOOTLDR to contain all your different OSs and kernels.

You play tunes on the above basic schemes, but first it is worth spending 
sometime reading at leisure the above mentioned URLs, plus the following 
webpages before you pull the trigger:




> My current layout for a 1TB m.2 stick, typing by hand:
> 1    8GB        EFI System   

I think 8GB is around 8 times the size recommended by the Handbook.  I would 
think it is rather excessive.  How many bootloaders (and potentially kernels) 
do you intend to store in there?!  o_O

> 2    400GB    Linux file system for root or /.

This is the / partition on the OS I'm typing this message on:

Filesystem          Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root           f2fs      100G   30G   71G  30% /

The 30G contains a Plasma desktop, plus the usual desktop apps, like LOffice, 
media players, etc.  It is by no means a minimalist installation.  Even if I 
were to add six times as many files as I currently have, I would still not 
reach your 400G allocation.

> 3    180GB    Linux file system for /var.

Err ... 

~ # du -s -h /var
17G     /var

> I'll have /home and such on other drives, spinning rust. I'm just
> wanting to be sure if my #1 and your #2 is where boot files go, Grub,
> kernels, init thingys etc.  I've always had kernels and such on ext2 but
> understand efi requires fat32. 

A 1TB NVMe disk (may be) large enough to contain your home too, especially if 
you are more frugal with space allocation on the other partitions.  The speed 
difference between a Gen 4 NVMe and a 7200RPM SATA is very significant, 
although this would be more noticeable if you open or store regularly many 
large files.

You can use any fs type you prefer for your /boot, but your ESP should be 

Over the years so many more options and permutations are on offer, it takes 
some time to decide what would be best for your use case(s).  Ask as you come 
across potential choices with your installation, because others may well have 
walked this path before and would be able to share their experience.

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