> I think killing somebody is correct also... because everything is
> fair in business... lawyer is correct in defending criminals because its
> his business ... killer is correct because its his business ... moreover
> nobody is guilty until proven guilty ... similarly judge is correct in
> taking bribe ... because he is not guilty unless proven, which ain't
> happening anyway.

Bingo...U are 100% right and i agree with you. But talking on being
right/wrong, guilty/non-guilty....its kind of "vendantha"[Philosophy]. If
you would like to chat that subject of being right/wrong or what is the so
called right or what is the so called wrong we should take this out of this
list. [Hint : Choice of Majority is right...What happens to Minority
?...they DIE]

> Then what I can't understand is why people blame politicians for
> corruption. Because no Laloo, no Jayalalita, no nobody is corrupt (read
> guilty) unless proven guilty under law; and the laws themselves have been
> created by the very people we are trying to enforce them upon.

Laloo is not Guilty....He is still contesting... Jayalalita is not guilty
[ I remeber the poor female who was thrown out of a Police jeep when MGR
died...was it right or wrong ?, she Rules now]. People do Hail them, Elect
them, and they do make laws...and police do make money on the basis of those
laws. [Law : Choice of Majority...What happens to Minority...they are

> Talking of wars: even war are fought keeping certain rules in mind.

100 % Disagree....The rules are to minimise damage on our side...Hell with
the Other side.[Hint: If they cant nuke us or no other
damage{Political/Commercial}for nuking them....NUKE them!!!][eg: LittleBoy
in Japan, Naplam on Vietnam, MOAB on Iraq]

>And these rules are by the mutual agreement of the two sides involved and
> made by the dominating side.

100% Wrong. Germans never put anything major on to the treaty with either
us/ussr after WW2. Japan the same. Even Bangladesh today exists because...It
surrendered to India. Only dominating side make rules, anyone who wont
follow is called a "Terrorist" and SHOT @ SIGHT

>I (I don't know about you) hate US for
> forcing war in Iraq, due to oil, which is also business BTW. If every
> thing is fair in business than this killing of innocent people in Iraq is
> fair also.
If i was Amercian President...yes i am fair[Question me ...i will kill u
too]. [But i hate the us of a]

> Because in the end Bush (personally) will be wealthier by
> millions of dollars and twenty years henceforth will be hailed as on of
> the greatest leaders of out time, because history and laws are being
> written by him and/or his poodles. Same is the case with software giants.

100% Agree.

> hail democracy, .... heck!


> PS:
> evrything is fair in business and it is my business (and of some others)
> to throw M$ and others out of competition, so what's the arguement anyway
> :)

"Supari" Bill Gates.....ha ha ha


Eswar the MAD!!

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