
2008/9/23 narendra sisodiya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> lol,
> Its not possible,
> why you forget about documentation ?? will  documentation be in English

          Why? It can be in any language, how does that matter?

> why you forget about variable names??
> If I code in hindi, with hindi vaibles, such as "mera_ank" that might not
> make any meaning after translation in Telgu.

          Maybe, thats what Parthan and Gaurav were hinting at. A
higher level "universal wrapper" may help/be needed.  Can't you see
that as a mathematical  problem and needs a solution or probably
already has a solution? I am no expert but Natural Language Processing
comes to my mind, please correct me if I am wrong.

> writing a code in computer language need some keywords, with logic, native
> language is not useful for code writing.

           Err? You do realise that the "Native Language" you use to
program is US_en. And probably most programming languages do. So what
is wrong with using Hindi/Bangla/German/Chinese instead?

> IMHO, a programmer can easily understand these facts.

          And isn't logic independent of language.  IMHO, a programmer
can easily understand these facts.

> I will again say, you are diverting new generation to stick/code with local
> language.

            Its like saying, Guido diverted a whole generation to code
in Python while Matz did the same but in Ruby.


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