>How heady and weird it must be for her to go through life with what amounts
to occasional media mentions, periodic awards and recognition, and a small
legion of people who get it -- when she should be as revered in her lifetime
as Cole Porter or John Lennon were in theirs. >

well, i DO think that joni is as revered as these folks...almost every
songwriter from every generation & genre, male or female puts joni up there
at the top of the list of their influences & she has many many fans out
there...i guess i just don't see her as someone with a small legion of
people who get it...i think a lot of people get it. however, there are fewer
people who are be as familiar with her later work as her earlier stuff...

my 2 cents about that self esteem thing...i'm with sherelle, i'd just love
to be able to sit down with her & tell her how admired she is, how grateful
i & so many many others are for her musical contributions...i also agree
with grace/colin when she/he speaks of self esteem being an inward thing,
but i must add that it when creativity is involved it is also an outward
thing...for any this is because the creation is the inner life being made
manifest...a very vulnerable & brave thing to do, especially for someone who
is basically a private person as i suspect joni is...private, yet her
creativity compels her to write these songs then of course put them out for
the world to hear...a very complex issue that i think plagues many
songwriters who are basically shy & private, yet are compelled to put their
innermost thoughts out there for the whole world to hear, admire, dissect,
criticize, etc....

Kate Bennett
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