Colin, if you think anti-Semitism is vague, I will use Jew-hating instead.

You said that the propaganda from all sides is sick and disgusting. Do you include your own views in that description? Or do the rest of us only THINK we are right, whereas you ARE right?

Not as clever as you think. No where have I presented an' I am right' argument. I have merely pointed out that imo, all sides to this are are dishing out lies, bigotry, and manipulation. Labelling dissenters from your views as anti jewish is an attempt to bamboozleand just the same tactic as all despots have used.
Most intelligent people recognize this attempt for what it is.

As human beings everything is filtered thru our brain.The world we experience is not the world that IS but the world as interpreted by our brains and ideas. That is NOT Truth.
Your hatred of the Arabs is based upon your ideas and interpretations, not Truth. In short, ideas are NOT truth. they are merely our ideas.

There is 'good' and 'bad' amongst all peoples. to pretend otherwise is merely an attempt to bamboozle by those whose main aim is to have their idea preside over the ideas of others. Power is all about having one's ideas prevail.

As Suzzi pointed out, this has beeen going on forever and no one has learned anything. It is still going on.

If people here spoke about black people the way people are speaking about the Arab people, there would be uproar. If all black people were equated with Mugabe, the bigotry would be obvious. It seems to be bigoted towards Arabs is the in thing and acceptable. Shame.

There is no doubt that a small number of people who have power in the middle East are indeed as bad as theyare painted. That is fair comment. To label ALL of the people's of the ME as such is ignorant. The majority of them are trapped. Tho as with most situations, it could be different if people worked together and rose up and overthrew these people.
It is NO accident that societies and groups teach their children their ideas. It gaurantees adults who toe the line. This applies to all peoples, including our own societies. There is plenty of evil perpetrated in our societies but we ignore that in favour of looking elsewhere for it.

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