As a Christian, I'd have to disagree with the above. I
couldn't live like that. It seems a very despairing
way to live and to think about the world.

it isn't desparing at all. It is liberating and joyous.

I believe in
God (I have seen too many things not to), but of
course you could say that this was only my version of
"truth". But whether you believe it or not, there IS a
universal truth - and a right and wrong.

There probably is but you do not know what it si and neither do I nor does anyone else.

If we all decide what is right and wrong, what then?
Who is right? Mother Theresa's version of
'right/truth' or Hitler's version?
The point you are missing is that YOU have decided what is right or wrong. No one else has. the fact that you have decided to follow someone elses idea of right of wrong, does not mean you have not decided.

I think Joni gets to the crux of this in the lines:

If you're smart or rich or lucky,
Maybe you'll beat the laws of man
But the inner laws of spirit
And the outer laws of nature
No man can.

-The Wolf That Lives in Lindsey.

Yeah, damn straight :)

agree. pain and suffering are indications we have it wrong.(generally speaking of course -too many us this as an excsue to blame victims of disease etc)

I have to agree with that. Not to recognize that there
is this universal law is a little childish I think,

I am not sure anyone said there was no universal law. However, childishness to me is not being able to cope with uncertainty, having no answers, and following someone elses code of conduct instead of thinking for oneself. it is abdicating responsibility.

I find it difficult to undnerstand why people cannot or will not see this. Even a person's faith, tho they say it is in God, is in fact faith in themselves and their own judgement. It is their own judgement that has decided that something or other is The Truth. Therefore the faith held is in that judgement, not in anything else. This is a dangerous situation b4ecause closed minds cannot be righted and much evil(look at the world) results from it.


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