Hmmmm, very interesting discussions.
I agree with Sarah about the Jews being a little less
bloodthirsty than Palestine. After all, the land in
question was won when Palestine attacked Isreal
way-back-when for no reason at all, and Isreal won
against all odds and kept the land (sorry for lack of
detail - I never was good at remembering facts and
dates in History

>>>There is no truth in the world.  Truth is a quality
that attaches to 
ideas, or more accurately, to propositions.  It is a
quality that is 
given to certain propositions by human beings.  Truth
has no 
existence that is independent of propositions, and
propositions are 
creations of the human mind.<<<

As a Christian, I'd have to disagree with the above. I
couldn't live like that. It seems a very despairing
way to live and to think about the world. I believe in
God (I have seen too many things not to), but of
course you could say that this was only my version of
"truth". But whether you believe it or not, there IS a
universal truth - and a right and wrong. 
If we all decide what is right and wrong, what then?
Who is right? Mother Theresa's version of
'right/truth' or Hitler's version? 

I think Joni gets to the crux of this in the lines:

If you're smart or rich or lucky,
Maybe you'll beat the laws of man
But the inner laws of spirit
And the outer laws of nature
No man can.

-The Wolf That Lives in Lindsey.

Yeah, damn straight :)
I have to agree with that. Not to recognize that there
is this universal law is a little childish I think,
and it elevates a person to think he/she is the center
of their own little universe ;) No offense intended.

Still, interesting discussion :)

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