Fred, take a look at this month's Vanity Fair. It sets out some of the evidence of Iraqi complicity in September 11, and explains why the CIA has tried to play it down.


Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 01:57:15 EST
Subject: Re: 'prepare' njc

"kakki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In the case of Iraq there is at least a
growing compilation of evidence that they have assisted terrorists who
have directly attacked the U.S.

Actually, there is no definitive credible evidence of this, and, in fact, the
US has been spreading disinformation (e.g., the recent lie about Iraq
providing nerve gas to Al-Qaeda) claiming such a link.

Daniel Ellsberg points out that disinformation has historically been used by
the US government; certainly in the Vietnam War, and now, too. He fears that
if the UN inspectors come up empty the US will manufacture a pretext to
invade anyway.

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