On Fri, 17 May 2002, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> Hi,
> I think this issue have been debated before - but I also think it's a much
> better time now to discuss it..
> We're Israelies, most of us use Linux as their primary OS - and almost all of
> the mailers supports hebrew - one way or the other..
> * KMail in KDE 3.0 - supports hebrew right from the first character (thanks to
> Lars, Ilya, Diego)
> * Evolution - if I understood correctly, you can read hebrew, but it's a bit
> of hackish to write hebrew in it, until next month when GNOME 2.0 will be out
> with full Hebrew support.
> * Mozilla - Supports hebrew (Thanks to Mati and the other people in IBM Israel
> for their work)
> * Pine - hpine exists for quite a long time and you can use it to read/write
> hebrew..

I use the pine that is present on the Technion servers. AFAIK, neither t2
nor vipe carry hebpine. In any case, I'm not going to switch to a
non-terminal MUA any time soon. Using it on the server is much more
convenient, and can allow me to read and write E-mails from everywhere.

> So what are the reasons for not switching our official language here from
> English to Hebrew (not in a day, but rather in a month->2 months time
> period)? Please reply and explain your position...

Terminals on UNIX require some hackish stuff to use Hebrew. I don't
usually do that, because most of the Hebrew-enabled fonts are ugly, and
because I have to bother with setting it up. Writing Hebrew Characters,
also requires setting up Xkb, and I did not get to do it yet. And what if
I do if my ssh client is a Windows one? (TeraSSH or putty) I'll have to
configure Hebrew everywhere I go.

Sorry, but I say we stick to English for the while. If you wish to open a
separate mailing list with Hebrew as its primary language, go ahead.


        Shlomi Fish

> Thanks,
> Hetz
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