Hi all,

A while back I asked three Asterisk questions. Two of those were successfully answered by the list members, but one remains:

I have four internal extensions connected to a TDM400 card using four FXS modules (channels 1-4). I also have two Bezeq lines connected to a second TDM400 card using two FXO modules (channels 7 and 8).

I defined the FXO channels to belong to group 2, and defined in my extensions.conf file that outgoing calls should be directed to Zap/g2. When I dial out from my extension, everything is ok - I get an external line. When I dial from a different extension, my extension rings. If I dial out from two (neither mine) extension, the first rings my extension, but the seconds gets an outside line as it should.

These symptoms would have been completely explained if Asterisk has appropriated my extension (Zap/1) to group 2, with (seemingly) no justification.

Thinking I inadvertently associated Zap/1 to group 2 by mistake, I tried associating Zap/7 and Zap/8 to group 3 instead of two, with the appropriate change in extensions.conf. The problem persists.

This is the relevant part of my zapata.conf file:

callerid="Shachar Shemesh" <201>
channel => 1

callerid="someone" <202>
channel => 2

callerid="someone" <203>
channel => 3

callerid="someone" <204>
channel => 4

channel => 7

channel => 8
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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