>>"Urmil" == Urmil Parikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Urmil> Don't consider IDEs as just simple text editor with support for
 Urmil> compilation. IDEs are those editors which know the programming
 Urmil> language better than you.

        *Boggle*. A program that knows the language better than I? Now
 there is a concept. Perhaps this is a contributory factor to the
 growing mediocrity that I see arsising -- people have stopped
 mastering ther trade, and depending on tools to do so. 

 Urmil> The online syntax checking,... offered by M$ Visual Studio
 Urmil> prevent you from writing erroneous code right from the
 Urmil> beginning when you actually write it.

        And also prevent you from learning the language as fast as you
 could have, and, in some cases, from learning at all.

        When I learn a new language, I have long realized that the
 concepts are the same; only the syntax changes. Unfortunately, had I
 been spoon fed from the get go, I don't thinkI'd ever have seen
 beyond teh syntax, since I'd always have depended on this magical
 program to get it right for me. 

 Urmil> Hey, can you remember definitions of thousands of
 Urmil> structures / unions / classes that you use in your program?

        Herll, yes, if I am doing any coding. Even in maintainenece I
 learn enough of the structure that I do know the parts I am

        And an IDE is not required in any case, look at the id utils
 from the FSF

q Urmil> Those facilities relieve you from remembering all those stuff
 Urmil> and helps you pay more attention to your program. It naturally
 Urmil> saves your very very precious time and effort.

        How can you pay attention to something when you have no clue
 about the contents?  Yes, it does save you time -- but I contend it
 does not save you money.

        Training your technical staff rather than developing ide
 pushers shall gain you money in the long run, as those nascent would
 be programmers learn their trade.


 Liberty Hulse of Middle Island was steadying an unidentified blonde
 woman who was crying and appeared near a state of collapse. ``You
 have to eat,'' Hulse said to the woman. ``You have a beautiful
 family, and you have to take care of them too.'' Hulse explained to
 reporters that the woman ``hasn't eaten for weeks'' because of
 anxiety over the fate of two dogs who were ostensibly buried in the
 cemetery in Middle Island about 60 miles east of New York City. Hulse
 said she also paid to have her dog buried there, and she expressed
 concern that the cemetery might be bulldozed as a health hazard
 because of an estimated quarter of a million animals buried
 there. ``Are they going to bulldoze it?'' she asked. ``Over my dead
 body, because they will have to kill me first.'' (UPI) Enraged pet
 owners curse cemetery owners, 7/9/91
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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