>>>>> "Urmil" == Urmil Parikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Urmil> you will find a string of 0s and 1s input by mechanical
    Urmil> switches!! Do you expect anybody (Real Programmers) to use
    Urmil> mechanical switches for programming?

Let's limit this topic to this generation ;-)

    Urmil> People learn from mistakes but that doesn't mean you waste
    Urmil> time in writing code with mistakes and pass time finding
    Urmil> them. Let me tell you IDEs do not correct your mistakes,
    Urmil> rather point to it as soon as you do it. If you are
    Urmil> interested in wasting a lot of time *learning* from
    Urmil> mistakes, I surely not recommend IDEs :-)

Good Point made !

    Urmil> Agreed they are not superhumans, but they have to dedicate
    Urmil> themselves for it and you must agree remembering all those
    Urmil> thing requires good memory / skills that not everybody
    Urmil> have. You are again forgetting novice users / programmers.

You mean to say that you need good memory/skills to be a programmer ??
Or a real programmer ?? Hmmmm, then maybe I can drop the Idea of becomming a
real programmer !!! ;-)

    Urmil> I have never said IDEs take care of program. They take care
    Urmil> of syntax and correctness of your program. It is you who
    Urmil> write the program. Let me tell you those text captions on

If you write the program and all that then why do you need an IDE ??
Use Notepad to write the program, use gnumake or gcc to compile it
and it will give out the mistakes and errors and don't you think those
error messages are easy to comprehend ??

    Urmil> buttons and warning boxes have got equal importance. I have
    Urmil> seen people searching for a key labelled 'any' on their
    Urmil> keyboard looking at the message 'Press any key to
    Urmil> continue...'

So you see my point here, IDE's make you feel that there is something when 
actually it isn't there ;-)

    Urmil> If you want to limit programming to Real Programmers,
    Urmil> forget this whole discussion.
    Urmil> I don't know anything about M$ people and not at all
    Urmil> interested in making any comments about them.

    Urmil> I have seen Linux systems hanging without any reason. BSOD
    Urmil> is a plus point of Windoze that it shows the reason for
    Urmil> hanging and waits for your key press before actually
    Urmil> hanging.

Ok, the BSOD's are a plus point eh ?? ROTFL !!!

----------- Message written after watching Deep^H^H^H^HBlue Streak ;-) ---------

Well, I guess that sums it up and have checked the other mails in between
so you see what I mean Urmil ;-) 

------------------------------------------------ @}-----------------
Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pub  1024D/3C6A199D 
sub  2048g/E3A76B00
Key fingerprint = 7F85 2C03 CA1F 5ABD F099  E8D3 392A 9A11 3C6A 199D
Debian 2.2.4 (potato)                       http://www.sidcarter.com

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