>>"Urmil" == Urmil Parikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Urmil> You are missing the point Khader. You are expecting every programmer a
 Urmil> Real Programmer. Try to think about novice programmers. Do you know
 Urmil> anything called as RADD tool?

        No. We are expecting anyone who calls themselves a programmer
 to at least have the basic competence required.  In fact, if they
 don't I would consider this a case of fraud, condoned merely because
 we have such a shortage of professionals in the field. 

 Urmil> People learn from mistakes but that doesn't mean you waste
 Urmil> time in writing code with mistakes and pass time finding
 Urmil> them. Let me tell you IDEs do not correct your mistakes,
 Urmil> rather point to it as soon as you do it. If you are interested
 Urmil> in wasting a lot of time *learning* from mistakes, I surely
 Urmil> not recommend IDEs :-)

        Do you recall what they say about people who belittle learning
 from mistakes?  

        Learning your trade is a waste of time? Sheesh. No wonder the
 industry is awash in with mediocre incompetents. They are partially
 shielded by programs that cover up for them.

        I, as an software author, certainly want no part of this.

 Urmil> Agreed they are not superhumans, but they have to dedicate themselves
 Urmil> for it and you must agree remembering all those thing requires good
 Urmil> memory / skills that not everybody have. You are again forgetting
 Urmil> novice users / programmers.

        Skills are acquired. And if people are not willing to acwuire
 the skills, they should seek another profession, and not damage the
 reputation of professional programmers any longer.

 >> If the IDE is taking care of the program, what more attention do
 >> you want to give the program ?? ;-) Editing the text Captions on
 >> the Buttons, Titles and warning boxes ??   Now is that what they
 >> call real Coding ?? Keeps me wondering ;-)

 Urmil> I have never said IDEs take care of program. They take care of syntax
 Urmil> and correctness of your program.

        And if you need help with syntax, you should be reading and
 learning, and not pretending to be a programmer.

 Urmil> It is you who write the program. Let me tell you those text
 Urmil> captions on buttons and warning boxes have got equal
 Urmil> importance. I have seen people searching for a key labelled
 Urmil> 'any' on their keyboard looking at the message 'Press any key
 Urmil> to continue...'

        What does this anecdote about computer illiterates have to do
 with programmers? 

 Urmil> If you want to limit programming to Real Programmers, forget this
 Urmil> whole discussion.

        If by real programmers you mean people who know how to
 program, then hell, yes. That is the definition, I would have thought.

 Urmil> I have seen Linux systems hanging without any reason. BSOD is a plus
 Urmil> point of Windoze that it shows the reason for hanging  and waits for
 Urmil> your key press before actually hanging.

        GPF is a reason?

 This ASEXUAL PIG really BOILS my BLOOD ... He's so ... so
 ... URGENT!!
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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