06 Mar 2000 21:35:42 -0500
Stainless Steel Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:
| Yes, and that requires many fast fourier transformations (FFTs) per
| which as I said before are slow on general purpose processors.  ATRAC 4 in
| real time is just not going to happen on the desktop for a while for that
| reason.
 The FFT's are not the problem, as decoding MP3 is done in real time and the
IFFT is computationally comparable to the FFT. The MP3 encoding process
be compared either as MPEG encoding is more complex then ATRAC do to the
additional runlength encoding and huffman optimizations. The biggest problem
with ATRAC in software is that the perceptual coding part isn't
so whoever writes the code will have to model the end results based on far
less research than anyone else with an ASIC implementation. Even if they
to write the soft ATRAC, there would be no improvement since no existing
will take a precoded stream (a possible exception being the new 4x CD
system). If someone were to release new hardware that solved this would
anyone buy it?

Just My Two Cents,
        RJ K

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