Simple point: There are two values to be considered.

1. Resale value.  If you buy and make payments on a NEW vehicle, the resale
value declines from the moment you take possession. The more you make
payments [thus "own" it] the lower the value as it gets use and age.  A
USED vehicle, such as many here own and operate, has reached it's apex of
decline in value. Thus it's value becomes #2.

2. Service value. This would be the value of the service the vehicle gives
you in relation to money spent vs a new vehicle cost.  ie. New car. $65,000
+ insurance costs of say $2,200 a year [full coverage] + finance charges, +
etc etc etc.
In an example, if I pay $1,500 for a MBZ, + $500 for front end parts, + $$$
for new filters, + a new set of tires, + $$$ for misc, + insurance costs at
a lower rate for the older car [no need for full coverage insurance] ...
yet it drives me in comfort and style to anywhere I want at any time I
want, what is my "Service Value".

When the vehicle reaches the tipping point where "Service Value" and "Hard
Costs" cross, it can become recycle material and at todays scrap prices pay
you back yet one more time.

Until then, "Q" is employed providing parts, we are satisfied to exercise
our skills to keep the cars operational, comfortable, and safe. The only
thing that "suffers" is the ego that demands driving a New Car.

[ By choice I do not enter into the realm of issues raised by SWMBO, or
SIgnificant Others-------- Just a mechanic not a phsycologist]


On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Fmiser <> wrote:

> > Randy Bennell wrote:
> > I know that many of you are essentially bottom feeders when it
> > comes to vehicles, and I mean no disrespect when I say that as
> > I tend to fall into that category to a great extent myself.
> Beaters-R-Us!
> > The question for you is essentially, when do you call it a
> > lost cause?
> Easy!  When the cost exceeds the value. Oh, but cost can be
> tricky 'cause it's not just money but time, confidence,
> irritation, dependability, etc.  And value is hard to pin down
> too - with factors of appearance, sentiment, availability,
> status, function, capability, etc.
> > There has to be a time when a vehicle ceased to be worth
> > putting money into it. How do you decide at what point that
> > happens?
> A wagon better fits what I need a car for, and are harder to
> find, so the value is higher.  Therefore I'm willing to spend
> more on them.
> > I have my 76 115 300D and know that whatever I put into it
> > has to be for my enjoyment as I will never "make money" on it.
> > The same goes for my 02 F150 Supercrew. I really like it and
> > so far it has not cost me a whole lot but it is about 10 years
> > old and has over 150K miles on it so cost must mount over time.
> >
> > I have been thinking about another car but am really reluctant
> > to spend big dollars on something new  or even "newer" so I
> > have this mental dilemma. Am I crazy to get involved in
> > something that will no doubt cause me some grief???
> I retired my 1/2-ton farm truck when I found a similar 3/4-ton
> with a better body.  Since the 1/2-ton did not have the
> capacity I wanted/needed and the body rusted to the point the
> doors wouldn't close well, I choose to look for a
> higher-capacity truck.  That was an easy choice since even if
> the 1/2-ton was in perfect condition it would not be what I
> wanted.
> Seem I typically place a big order with Rusty once or twice a
> year.  While it could seem out-of-balance to spend $500 on
> parts for a car I bought for less than $2000 I think of it as
> the price of one car payment and I feel much better.
> --    Philip
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