When I was on the Atkins Diet I lost 50 #'s over 6 months.  The Carb target was 20 which I never hit but I got as close to it as possible.  20 carbs/day is a really low number but it worked.

The info about keeping the carbs and fats 4 hours apart is a very helpful comment.   Like Max I'd like to know where that came from/    Not doubting you, just curious.

Thanks -


On 10/20/2017 1:51 AM, fmiser via Mercedes wrote:
Kaleb wrote:
I am assuming that if I am shooting for a certain carb number to
stay under, even if I eat a sandwich with white bread as long as
it comes in under that target I should be fine.
I'll say it again.  Keep the starch (carbs) and oils/fats 4 hours
apart and the quantity doesn't matter.

Again, a prerequisite is to eliminate processed sugars.  And as
much as possible, eat the whole "fruit" as unprocessed as possible
- like ground grain without the germ removed and not bleached (NOT
white), or roast beef, not bologna, the whole apple not apple
juice, etc.  It will take some time, but the weight will come
off.  And you will be a lot healthier too, so other issues may
clear up - like heart burn, sleep troubles, hypoglycemia,
headaches, etc.

Oh, and portion size won't matter either, if you listen to your


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