On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Well, I got Linux to load just fine. I have tried to install it MANY different
> ways and everything wants to boot until it wants to mount (Or whatever it is
> called) my ethernet card. then it sits there then it fails. After everything is
> done it asks for my login name and password. I type it in and then it gives me
> something like you are suposed to type in your server. I try everything I can
> think of. NOTHING I hie the "ESC" key twice and it list everything. i try most
> of them till I get pissed off and reformat HDD and startover. Same crap 8 times
> in a row. Thank goodness, I still have Win98 on my system.......PLEASE HELP ME.
> I am going to bed now (Before I start thinking of suicide....J/K but you get my
> point) Maybe the Linux Penguin will fix it while I am sleeping....MAYBE?
What kind of ethernet card do you have? Also, when you're installing,
did you create both a "root" account and a "non-priveleged" user
account? On both, you should write down the password, and keep it

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