Oh my.

Well, perhaps I am completely misunderstanding you, but I think that you
are very confused as to what is what, which is ok, but sort of hard to do
through email.  I highly reccomend you find a book or manual or install
guide to help you through other problems and acquaint yourself with the

The prompt 


is your shell prompt.  This is the system saying, "What can I do for
you?", waiting for you to type in commands.  You have successfully logged
in at that point and can begin doing useful things.  Note that this has
nothing to do with any accounts anywhere else, like at your ISP or
whereever your email is.  To get to another account, to for example check 
your email at the ISP, you have to somehow connect to that machine and log
in there.  You can try typing at the prompt ( [caymen@localhost]$ )
something like "telnet blah.blah.com" where you fill in the address of
your ISP.  If you connect to that machine, it will probably ask you for a
login/password as well, but that is seperate from whatever accounts are on
your own machine.

As far as getting kde to run and all that, at the prompt where you've
logged in to your machine, try typing "startx".  That may or may not bring
up a big graphical sort of thing like windows (forgive me linux gods!)
depending on how you installed things when putting in linux.

Once again, I'd really reccomend that if you want to use Mandrake or other
flavours of linux, you get a printed manual or boxed set so that you can
get installation support and instructions if you have never used a
UNIX-like OS before.  Otherwise, try not to get frustrated if it's not
going well, sometimes there's a lot to learn.


"Without the Law, there is no Liberty.  Without Justice, there is no Law."

On Sun, 12 Sep 1999, Caymen wrote:

> I finally got Linux to load using boot magic (had to make it easy for sis to start 
> if she needs to print some homework) Well, when I used to try to boot Linux using a
> floppy, I got an error like:
> Freeing unused Kernel memory: 48K freed
> Warning:Unable to open an initial console
> Kernel Panic: No init found. Try passing init=option to kernel
> Now if I start it through Boot Magic everything loads until I get to the Penguin 
> (I assume it is the start screen) I identifies itself saying:
> Linux Version 2.2.9-27MDK
> Compiled #1 Man Jun 14 16:44"05 CEST 1999
> One 450 MHz AMD K6-3 Processor, 128 MB RAM
> 897.84 Bogomips Total
> localhost.localdomain
> Then, below the penguin it says:
> Linux Mandrake Release 6.0 (Venus)
> localhost login
> I tried my user login name and pass work Linux asks when loading and type in my 
> I get:
> [caymen@localhost]$
> I try typing in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and hit enter.......Nothing.
> If I dont first type in my user name for Linux (The one you make when installing) and
> just type in my ISP email address/username and password, it will keep asking the same
> question:
> localhost login
> If I type in my user name for Linux, I get"
> [caymen@localhost]$
> Please help me. I am so close, yet so far away.
> Tom

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