I'm not quite sure what you are asking?

[caymen@localhost]$ is what you would see after logging in correctly, and
your box is waiting for you to tell it what to do.

Try typing startx
If this answer is relevent to your question, then I STRONGLY suggest you
purchase a few linux howto books :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Caymen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 1999 11:59 AM
Subject: [newbie] Hopefully Last problem.

> I finally got Linux to load using boot magic (had to make it easy for sis
to start Win98
> if she needs to print some homework) Well, when I used to try to boot
Linux using a
> floppy, I got an error like:
> Freeing unused Kernel memory: 48K freed
> Warning:Unable to open an initial console
> Kernel Panic: No init found. Try passing init=option to kernel
> Now if I start it through Boot Magic everything loads until I get to the
Penguin Screen
> (I assume it is the start screen) I identifies itself saying:
> Linux Version 2.2.9-27MDK
> Compiled #1 Man Jun 14 16:44"05 CEST 1999
> One 450 MHz AMD K6-3 Processor, 128 MB RAM
> 897.84 Bogomips Total
> localhost.localdomain
> Then, below the penguin it says:
> Linux Mandrake Release 6.0 (Venus)
> localhost login
> I tried my user login name and pass work Linux asks when loading and type
in my password
> I get:
> [caymen@localhost]$
> I try typing in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and hit enter.......Nothing.
> If I dont first type in my user name for Linux (The one you make when
installing) and
> just type in my ISP email address/username and password, it will keep
asking the same
> question:
> localhost login
> If I type in my user name for Linux, I get"
> [caymen@localhost]$
> Please help me. I am so close, yet so far away.
> Tom

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