On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 11:38:20AM +0800, Mr-X- wrote:
> i have a key generator already from linuxcracks

Are you really broke enough that you're unwilling to pay $20 for the

This _REALLY_ pisses me off.  Hannu and the rest of the guys at Open
Sound/4Front have worked their asses off bringing drivers to the Linux
community.  They've done the crap work of agreeing to NDA's from sound card
manufacturers so that people who've made unfortunate choices in hardware
purchases can USE that hardware under Linux.

Sure, it's only $20.  And who's going to miss $20, right?  And they're not
really LOSING any money, because you wouldn't have bought OSS if the crack
hadn't been available, right?  Those are typically the arguments of the
little creeps that depend upon cracks and "warez".  Unfortunately, they're
just too damn convenient.  

Would you like knowing that YOUR hard work was being stolen?  Would you like 
reading a mailing list and seeing someone brag about using your software 
without paying?  

By stealing this software, you're going a long way toward convincing
software manufacturers that it's just not worth porting to the Linux
platform.  "Look at OSS," they say, "they can't even sell that many OSS
licenses!  There's surely no market for our XYZ!"

The price for OSS just isn't that high, pay for the drivers.
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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