Thanks for trying to help, Tom.

>> You either have an incomplete installation, or you don't have the
necessary services running (eg, iptables, check DrakConf).  <<

I have iptables and everything for Bastille listed as installed in
Software Manager. I uninstalled iptables and reinstalled it, to make
sure I had all the necessary dependencies. Made no difference.

DrakConf shows iptables as stopped and there is no way I can get it
running. I have it selected to run at boot, like the other services.
Makes no difference. iptables is always listed as stopped. If I click on
start, nothing happens.

>> Also go thru the docs in
file:/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/user.html/bastille.html   and you'll see
screenshots of what you should be seeing. <<

That file is not on my computer. I believe it is part of mandrake-doc,
which I have tried to install numerous times and it WILL NOT install. I
always get the "informative" error message "Installation failed."
Nothing else. Um, WHY did it fail? C'mon, Linux, help me out here! I
copied the file from the CD to my hard drive; sometimes that helps. Not
this time, though. So where can I try to get another copy of this file?

I am left with BastilleChooser because I absolutely do not understand
the questions InteractiveBastille asks. I can't answer the questions if
I have no clue what they're asking.

>>   medium security has little or nothing to do with being able to get
thru a thoro port scan with all ports invisible/filtered. <<

What does medium security have to do with, then? I'd think making ports
invisible is pretty universal to security. If it's just internal network
stuff, I may as well not bother with it because nobody else has access
to my computer. My only concern is Internet security. If Bastille won't
close my ports, what will?

Any ideas what I can try next?
 --Judy Miner

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