> I initially thought that Civileme's post was just a bit
over the top. After
> reading this, however, I think he was pretty-much spot-on.
I suggest that if
> Judith wants something more like Windows, she have a look
at other OSs like
> MacOS, OS/2 or BeOS. OS/2 is a single-user OS, and it has
quite a few good
> applications written for it (many of them ports from
*nix). I used to run it
> back in the Warp 3 days (around 1995).
[rest snipped]

I thought Civileme's post was brilliant. But regardless of
whether she was a plant, she's abrasive, offensive, and
utterly thankless to the Linux community as a whole.
(Isolated "thank yous" on the list doesn't count.)

The Linux community (and especially the Newbie Mandrake
community) requires an attitude support, cooperation, and
thankfulness. To miss on any of these three things just
drags us down, and introduces FUD. We don't need that, and
as Civileme did so skillfully, we need to set it straight
when it creeps in.

Bravo, Civileme.


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