On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:35:27 +0100, Steve Borrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > > I know that several distributions (Mandrake, SuSe, and
> > > Debian) come in  PPC flavours, but I sometimes wonder
> > > if they will continue to find it worthwhile to develop
> > > for PPC.  Although I expect that we would usually use
> > > OS X on the Mac, I would eventually want to someday
> > > put linux on that machine also.  How does everyone
> > > else feel about the future of linux support for the
> > > Mac?
> >
> >I think the future is bright. Mandrake have only recently moved into the PPC
> >arena, so they must have had a reason to do so. Macs are really hotting-up in
> >both hardware and software. 64-bit G5s are due next year, and the Mac is
> >improving as a server and gaming platform (e.g. the Mac had GeForce3 suport
> >before the PC). MacOS X looks like the best release yet. I think its UNIX 
> >roots
> >will get people more interested in trying alternate OSs like GNU/Linux. Apps
> >like OpenOffice, Mozilla and Opera will be available for both MacOS and
> >GNU/linux, so switching between OSs will be relatively easy.
> There is also a distro called Yellow Dog for the PPC, which I tried and 
> gave up on.
> I currently triple boot my Mac G4. I have Mac OS 9.0.1, Mac OS X (inc. 9.1)
> and Mandrake Linux for PPC. I have to say that I was pretty impressed with the
> Mandrake install.
> Mac OS X, now there is the problem. Coming from a unix background I thought,
> great, Unix on my Mac! Based on FreeBSD so it should be pretty good. However
> I have run into several fundamental flaws in it which seem to cause pain to 
> Unix
> types and Mac types. Annoying things like not being able to su to root, having
> to sudo everything. From the Mac side of things, it refuses to remember where
> my windows are when it restarts and various other annoying things.
> I tend to think that Mac OS X is a good start, but no more. I think I could be
> described as a BIG fan of Mac OS 11 :)
> Ok, enough ranting. As to the longevity and support of Linux on PPC, I have to
> say I think that Mac OS X is only going to increase that interest. Some 
> users will
> be more than happy with the somewhat limited Linux like stuff exposed in 
> Mac OS X,
> while others will think, if only I could..... and they may well give Linux 
> a try.
> Additionally, I think Mac OS X has given the PPC market a bit of a revival 
> and is persudaing
> traditionally skeptial users, like me, that the Mac is not just an "artists 
> and designers toy".
> Just my £0.02.
> Steve.

I've been wondering this for a while:

Does MacOS X keep a clear root/user distinction like other Unicies, does it blur
them (like WinNT/2K) or doesn't it have any such distinction (like WinXP Home)?

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Yeah, yeah, it's 7PM Christmas Eve over there, and you're in the middle of your
Christmas dinner. You might feel that it's unreasonable of me to ask you to test
out my latest crazy idea.
How selfish of you.
Get back there in front of the computer NOW. Christmas can wait.
Linus "the Grinch" Torvalds

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