[24] Story out of nothing
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
As the press pick up on our story yesterday about the players having their mini-bars 
taken out of their hotel rooms - standard proceedure these days.

A United spokesperson said: "Common sense would suggest that players have to be in 
prime fitness for a pre-season tour and we are treating these friendlies as very 
serious games. They would not be drinking before important matches during the season 
so it's exactly the same in this instance."

[23] Another song
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ken

(To the tune of 'You'll never w**k al*ne')

Verón Verón
He tore the scousers apart
And You'll never win four, in a row
You'll NEVER win FOUR in a row.

[22] Massive delusions
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Simon Colosimo: 

"I've joined a Premiership club in everything but name'

(and status)

"My international team-mate Danny Tiatto told me what a big club  Manchester City is"

(what no massive?)

"But it wasn't  until I was shown around the ground and the training centre that I  
realised just how big the club is. My ambition is to play in the English Premiership 
and I am  convinced that I will achieve that target with City. Apart from having a 
career in England, my other main ambition is to  represent Australia in the World Cup 
finals and playing for a club  with such a high profile as City will boost my chances."

cos city are a, er, big club!

[21] Veron a state of madness
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'In the 72 hour period following confirmation of the Argentine's 
signing last Thursday, Veron shirts - which will feature the number 
four when the midfielder dons them in the Premiership - out-stripped 
David Beckham's as the most popular. Around 400 United shirts were sold over the 
weekend at the club's Old  Trafford Megastore and the vast majority wanted the new 
boy's name on  the back.

Veron's signing has proved a massive marketing boost for the Reds'  new Centenary away 
kit which will be launched at midnight on July  19/20 at the Megastore. It is the 
biggest ever pre-launch demand the club have had for an  away kit.

Most of the pre-orders for the reversible white and gold strip have 
requested Veron's name on the reverse.'

[20] More from Fergie
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Juan Sebastian and Ruud will play against Celtic, all being well. 
That's my plan. They will get bits of matches together while we are in the Far  East, 
of course, but Ryan's match will be the first game in which  I'll fit in all my key 
players. It will be the match when I start to  try and blend things together. I will 
start to work on the system then. I have an idea of what I  want and it won't change 
essentially. We'll always play with a lot of  width and good possession.

With players like Veron, Roy Keane, Paul Scholes and David Beckham  you will get 
possession. Then we have to work at the penetration and 
making chances. Against Celtic I will be beginning to put my plans into action in  
readiness for the start of the season."

[19] Kenyon on new Becks deal
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
"David is our No1 priority. Why would he want to be anywhere else? Our squad now is 
pretty awesome.We're confident that the signing of Ruud and Sebastian shows David we 
want to continue being successful. And no-one wants to be part of a winning formula 
more than David.

So our commitment now is to try to get a deal done by the start of next season. We're 
very positive and confident. We have had two meetings so far. The first to set the 
parameters for a new deal, the second the start of the financial discussions. It would 
be nice to put it to bed by the start of the season." 

[18] Wenger tries a bit of psychology
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
And fails

"At the moment Manchester United are in a position where if they do not win the league 
it is a disaster. If they do not get to the European Cup Final it will be a disaster 
again. So it makes it very tough for whoever takes over from Sir Alex".

[17] If you want a laugh
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Buy the SUN today (good for a laugh, without intention) and see a gallery of home made 
drawings of Becks done by their readers for a competition.

Close your eyes, draw on a piece of paper in a pitch black room and you'll have 
something as good as nearly all the entrants shown.

[16] Worrying thought of the day
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just what the hell was that on the top of Willie Morgan's head - a haircut that Bobby 
Charlton would be proud of. And the Elvis picture behind him...hmmm.

[15] Andy Cole relieved?
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Lee

I take it Andy Cole is a relieved man today, now that Simon Colosimo had signed for 
city.  After Andy's challenge a couple of years ago, Simon threatened to get all 
litigious if the injury prevented his career from progressing with a move to a big 
club in Europe.  Well, as we all know, they don't come much bigger than city do they.  
Sleep well Andy.

[14] Video interview with Robbo
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Video interview with Bryan Robson (Part 1)

click the link below:


[13] Fergie on Giggs testimonial
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Some people say that players don't deserve testimonials any more, but I think Ryan 
does. It is the first benefit for one of our home-grown players, who came through in 
that new era in the early to mid-90s. In many ways he reflects my time at the club. He 
has been a terrific servant to United and has great character. I'm glad I will be able 
to plan to play Veron and van Nistelrooy in England together for the first time in 
Ryan's match because he deserves a good crowd."

Three charities will get money from the game - but how much?

[12] British team at the Olympics?
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'The Football Association and the British Olympic Association are set for more 
discussions about entering a British football team in the Olympic Games.

BOA chief executive Simon Clegg has revealed he and FA counterpart Adam Crozier have 
discussed the matter.

Further discussions are set to take place following an assurance from Fifa president 
Sepp Blatter that individual countries would not suffer as a result of teaming up 
under one flag in Athens in 2004.

The Football Associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have always 
resisted moves to field a British side, fearing the interests of their countries would 
be hit.

But Blatter has denied that their individual rights would not be looked after if they 
teamed up in future Olympics.

He told BBC Radio 5 Live: "The associations have always resisted joining forces, for 
fear of losing their individuality and strong political position within Fifa.

"The British football leaders were a little bit concerned that, fielding an Olympic 
team under the denomination of Great Britain, they could lose their privileges they 
had in Fifa.

"They felt someone could say 'you are together, so why should you come as four 
associations, four votes?' But definitely this is not linked."

Clegg said: "I'm very pleased to hear him again state the issues of the home nations 
and their participation in the Olympic Games are not linked.

"He stated that when he was secretary general and Joao Havelange was president at that 
time - and it's great he has restated their position on that."

Clegg revealed that a Great Britain women's team could be entered in the Athens Games.

He said: "It (Blatter's words) links nicely with the discussions we've had with the FA 
with the possibility of maybe entering a women's team in the Games in 2004.

"Now the international federation have made their position clear and it doesn't 
threaten individual membership of Fifa, there's no reason why another meeting 
shouldn't take place in the future."

[11] Happy birthday to you
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jaap Stam is 29 today.

[10] Scousers know they are not good enough?
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Michael Owen:

 "I think every team has to strengthen in two or three places. It's dangerous to buy a 
lot of players because you need the squad to know each other, but just to buy two 
players every year livens things up. 

I don't think we need to go and buy five or six world-class players. Like Manchester 
United, we've got team spirit and lads who have come through the youth system and into 
the first team. We have always had that base of home-grown players, very good players, 
and when you add to that it doesn't cause a problem."

[9] We don't believe you
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Gilles Grimandi: 

"Patrick Vieira arrived back at training and it was interesting to see him back after 
all the hype of the summer. He seemed very calm and content when he arrived at the 
training centre and was acting perfectly normally - as if he didn't have a worry about 
anything in his mind. There is no problem in the Arsenal group with Patrick, 
everything was the same. We were obviously aware that there's a lot of interest but it 
was just business as usual for the team. No-one has a problem with him and we were all 
pleased to see him."

[8] city go global
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Uruguay and Costa Rica drew 1-1 in the Copa America with Paulo Wanchope scoring for 
Costa Rica. massive!

[7] Lawrenson on United
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Number one, they've got the best players in Britain. Number two,  they will go after 
the best manager and I think that will be Martin  O'Neill. I would be very surprised 
if United haven't approached him 
in some way already.  As a man-manager he is fantastic and he has done such a good job 
at  Celtic already. I think he understands what it means to manage at  Manchester 
United and he's got the kind of enthusiasm and dedication  to take a job like that on. 
 I know Celtic have said they would offer him shares to stay, but  imagine if you 
turned down a job like that. You'd be wondering about  it for the rest of your life." 

[6] More from Lawrenson
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Liverpool need one or two at the back, a long-term replacement for Gary McAllister 
and a right-sided midfielder. They've  tried Gerrard, Barmby and Smicer in there and 
no-one's really made  the position his own yet.  They're on the right track and Gerard 
Houllier has done a great job,  but now they've got to be more consistent. They've got 
to be able to  dominate in attack from the start of a game like United can and like  
we used to. They lost nine games last season and until they stopped  playing 
altogether, United only lost three. That's a heck of lot to  catch up even when you're 
doing the double over someone."

[5] Ex-Scouser tips United
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Mark Lawrenson: 

"You can never say there's absolutely no chance of anyone else  winning it, but I 
honestly can't see it happening for Liverpool,  Arsenal or anyone else this season. 
Manchester  United won it by Christmas last season - and that was playing at half- 
pace. Since then they've got Van Nistelrooy and Veron and they'll  want to win 
everything because it's Fergie's final season.  Liverpool have got a great side coming 
through and you have to say  they'll be a threat in the future. But this season? I 
don't think  so."

[4] Fergie in the Guardian
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Surely that's a spelling mistake at the end of the first paragraph!!
The suits won't like that! In fact some of the writing is appalling. Check out the 
last sentence  in the second paragraph. Where's me CV?

'United's crown is safe from the Guardian

Dan Rookwood
Monday July 16, 2001 

The season is over before it's begun. Again. United are going to romp  it. Again. This 
summer, practically the entire senior squad bar David  Beckham have signed extended 
contracts which will keep them out of  the clutches of Europe's debt-ridden giants for 
at least another  trophy-winning season. And they've added a couple of top players to  
the wage bill to boot. What's the betting they've run out of Vs  already at the 

It's become almost boring, even for United fans; surely they must  want some domestic 
competition. But every summer, the chasing pack  scrabble around for a few half-decent 
players and every summer United  click they're fingers and the stars come running.

"We had a target of four, excluding van Nistelrooy," said Ferguson in  an interview 
with ManUtd.com today. "We looked at where we could get  a player to improve us. Van 
Nistelrooy, as an emerging player, is  going to do that, I'm sure. He was one." Was 
the Dutchman part of the  target of four or not? Whatever, they still got him.

"Veron was another, and we got him. We'd have liked another top  defender but we 
didn't get him. But we're happy with what we have."

And well they might be. Because Arsenal's Sol Campbell coup aside,  this close season 
has been decidedly quiet for the chasing pack.  Incidentally, have you noticed how 
they're called the chasing pack,  even before a ball has been kicked in competition?

United's only competition these days - both on the pitch and in the  transfer market - 
is to be found in foreign parts where even  Ferguson's boys have to bow in the 
presence of Europe's kings. 

Ferguson hinted that he had inquired after the availability of both  Zidane and 
Rivaldo. "I don't think there was ever a possibility of  bringing Zidane over here. I 
think his wife prefers to be in that  part of the world." Though size matters, not 
even United can buy in  sunshine. And Rivaldo? "There's never been an occasion when 
Barcelona  have been prepared to sell."

But United play to the rules, as Sir Alex alluded in a  sideswipe: "The Zidane 
transfer? We thought the Figo one was  incredible," he said. "But this has gone up 
another £10m. Real Madrid  are one of those sides who have the side everyone wants 
because there  doesn't seem to be such a thing as debt there."

United, in contrast, remain the richest club in the world. And having  chained their 
biggest stars to long-term contracts, the Reals of this  world will have to pay a 
Ferguson's ransom to prize any of his assets  away. But many of United's present gems 
have come from refining their  own raw material. And as Ferguson ominously pointed 
out, there is a  rich Old Trafford seam still to be plundered.

"We've got some terrific prospects at Old Trafford. Darren Fletcher,  who we hope will 
get over his broken leg, is good. Michael Stewart  and Luke Chadwick are doing very 
well. John O'Shea's doing well too. 
There's a young left-back called Paul Tierney who is doing well, as  is Danny Pugh. 
But there's a young boy who's started now, he's 16,  called Kieran Richardson. He's 
going to be a fantastic player."

Yes, yes - they're all doing very well. Depressing isn't it. How long  can the pack 
sustain their chase before giving up altogether?'

[3] Fergie special appeal
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
If you haven't sent us something in already, please send it in as we want to get as 
many Reds contributing as possible.

We're now in the final days approaching the deadline for our Fergie special. We have 
truly had a great response with memories - be it personal meetings, magic games, etc 
but we want MORE! So please keep them coming in. The final deadline has now been 
confirmed as Thursday July 19th so get writing - anything and everything is 

This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 19th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 19th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[2] Catatonia - the real story?
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Forget what stories you've heard about the reasons Cerys and co delayed their tour of 
England next week for September. We can reveal that as Boylie is going on holiday next 
week how could they let their No.1 fan miss the whole event.

And good to see so many songs being thought up about Veron and Ruud. Boylie's 
favourite for Ruud is the simple one to the tune of Brown Girl in the Rain (Ruud Van 
Nistelrooy, tra la la la) but how about this one doing the rounds on some of the Utd 

tune of my old man's a dustman

"Van the man's a Dutchman, he scores a lot of goals,
and when he isn't playing, up pops Paul Scholes"

[1] Short review of Seven Days that shook United
Posted Tuesday, July 17, 2001 by bar-knee:
Well, last night's programme on Channel 4 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, nor 
was it as good as it could have been.

You have to wonder who it was aimed - it seemed to go for the ABU vote but the talking 
heads had such a pro United slant that they made the programme 'safe' for United fans 
to watch. The voice over grated as the show told us nothing really that we didn't 
already know - but we were saved by the opinions of the talking heads, most notably 
record boss Tony Wilson who should have been given the full hour himself.

Opinions from him like 'f*ck those' who weren't at Selhurst Park to see a home crowd 
full of 'Cockney wankers' yet pass judgement on Eric was just one highlight, and of 
course the ever symbolic Harry Gregg once again spoke passionately about his and our 

Some trite comments from the voice over grated - like saying that these events Utd 
would sooner forget. I disagree for they made us what we are now and to say anyone 
would rather forget the Munich tradegy is just plain crap.

A constant seemed to be the influence Our Martin seemed to play in some of the 
perceived 'cock-upd', from telling Tommy Doc he would be alright about his affair with 
Mary Brown to the infamous £12m sell out to Michael Knighton.

All in all we learnt very little - but Andy Walsh and Wilson kept things on track and 
at least ABUs would have been wound up by their and other Reds' presence, rather than 
an ABU whitewash with the likes of Schindler talking centre stage to slag us off as it 
could have been.

But when will we ever get to see a real and honest appraisal of United that does spill 
the beans yet gives our history the sympathy it deserves?

[24] ABU programming?
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
We shall see. Tonight, Channel 4, 9pm. Football Stories

Seven Days that shook United

The Obserever says it is 'the best yet' (of the series) but we shall have to wait and 
judge. They've chosen seven major events (from Michael Knighton to Eric's kung fu) but 
looking at a preview of the list of interviewees featured (Piers Morgan for example) 
and we think this is more to gain ABU ratings than tell us something that Utd fans 
didn't already know. But let's watch and find out...

[23] Arse to become PLC?
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Arsenal has revealed plans to split into two companies to finance its new 
60,000-seater stadium. If the operation is a success, the club will consider a full 
stock market launch later in the year. The Gunners will ask their shareholders to 
approve the set up of a separate company - Arsenal Holdings PLC - to deal with the 
£100 million Ashburton Grove project.

Arsenal believes the flotation will give them the financial muscle to compete with 
Manchester United for costly signings. But one analyst told Ananova that the club's 
estimated flotation value of £400 million is wide of the mark.

He said: "This figure strikes me as way too optimistic, especially when you think that 
Manchester United is worth £393 million. It seems as if Arsenal, rather cynically, is 
trying to split its property interests from its football interests, probably because 
the property portfolio is going to be the more stable of the two."

A club spokesman said: "The board believes it is in the best interests of the 
shareholders to separate the activities of the football club and the stadium 

[22] Commonwealth games tickets - cheap as anything
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Mark C for this

'Games tickets to cost from £5 Email this to a Friend  

  GET SET for the affordable Commonwealth Games - with tickets for the 2002 event 
starting from as little as a fiver. Organisers have pledged that half the tickets on 
sale for the 10-day spectacular will cost £10 or less - and some of the events will be 
completely free.

The most expensive ticket will be £195 for the opening ceremony with the cheapest for 
that event costing £25. Details of how the public can obtain the 750,000 tickets were 
revealed today. 

The cheapest ticket for the Games is £5 and there are 151,000 of them available at 
that price. The marathon, walks, road cycling, mountain bike riding, triathlon and 
shooting will be free. Organisers say they have consulted various sporting bodies to 
make sure the prices are at the right level.'

Well worth it.

[21] Keeper says no to United
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Benfica keeper Robert Enke:

"It's true, Manchester was interested in me, but I turned them down. I want to 
concentrate on the coming season because I think this team can achieve success".

[20] 400 singers wanted
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
400 Singers wanted for West2 (Stretty2 Singing End)

We can have 400 extra singers in West2 this season and if you are a singer and a Club 
Member you can be one of them.

The Vocal Fans Campaign (VFC) formerly the TTC has won agreement from the club to fill 
all the 400 daytickets in West2 with singers, IF we can find enough of them! If we 
can't then any real hope of rebuilding the buzz in the Stretty is in a mess. So if you 
are a club member who is a singer or have mates who are GET IN CONTACT with the VFC or 
tell your mates.

All you have to do is register yourself with the VFC by sending your details with us, 
no membership fee, your only commitment is to be a singer willing to get behind the 
shirts. We then register you with the club as a singer and you can then make 
applications for tickets for West2 marking your application 'VFC singer'. You still 
have to get through the ballot BUT when successful you will be with the buzz in 

The club agreed to do it this way so we have some control to make sure you are all 
real singers since you know you are working with like minded fans directly and not the 
club and you are prepared to give us your contact details.

To join the VFC you can get an application forms from the notice boards in West2, 
download from www.m-u-f-c.co.uk/users/tsj/vfc Or just send your name, address 
membership number and contact details to GezM, 51 Grangeway, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 
3HY. Include email and mobile number as email or text is our easiest way  to contact 
you apart from the West2 notice boards. Tell us if you are a club member or if you 
have a ST or LMTB  and if so where you sit in West 2 or elsewhere in the ground. The 
only qualification to join the VFC is to sing up for the team when you come to support 
United, nothing more. Tell us if you want to help the campaign, are a passionate 
singer, always join in or usually join in when others around you sing.


[19] Massive signing
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
City have completed the signing of Aussie Simon Colosimo.

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