[18] Becks on being England captain
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Being given the England captaincy has done an awful lot for me. When I was given it, 
I admit it was a surprise. But it was a responsibility that I needed and wanted. It 
has given me something very special to focus on. When someone gives you an honour like 
that it also gives you a great lift. It is a responsibility I thrived on".

[17] Possible Barthez understudy
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror reckons it'll be Benfica's German 23 year old, Robert Enke.

[16] Dyer on his way out of Newcastle?
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd:.

"I have had a long, frank and amicable discussion with both Kieron and his agent where 
I reiterated Kieron's future lies with Newcastle United. Kieron is an integral part of 
the future of Newcastle United and I reiterate once again that our ambitions more than 
match those of Kieron's. For once and for all, Kieron Dyer is not for sale."

Whatever, the SUN reports that he will be on his way, probably to Leeds.

[14] Massive turn out
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
They can fill an old barn of a ground, cos city are a massive club
They consider Halifax as a euro away cos city...

>From Ananova

'Halifax Town expect to smash the club record for gate receipts with the all-ticket 
friendly against Kevin Keegan's Manchester City on Saturday July 21. The Shaymen are 
hoping for a 6,900 sell-out crowd for City manager Keegan's first game in charge. The 
current record receipts of £36,000 came with the visit of neighbours Bradford City for 
a Worthington Cup tie three years ago. Halifax chairman Bob Walker said he hoped 
takings would top £40,000.

"This is vital income for the club. It is more than we hoped for from all our 
pre-season games put together," he said.'

[13] Singapore rules
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Wei for this from a local Singapore newspaper

'Bar-none and bananas for Red Devils
By Neil Humpreys 

MANCHESTER United captain and millionaire Roy Keane could easily afford a drink at the 
hotel bar. In fact, he is wealthy enough to buy the bar.

But when he stays at the Shangri-La Hotel, he cannot touch a drop - without first 
securing the permission of manager Sir Alex Ferguson.

In fact, should any of United's players attempt to buy anything alcoholic, the bar 
staff will refuse them.

Brandon Chan, the director of marketing at the hotel, said: 'We've been told not to 
serve any of the players alcohol while they are here, unless we get permission from 
one of the coaches.'

Welcome to the austere coaching regime of Ferguson, which has taken years to perfect 
and has secured unprecedented success in the modern game.

Not only will the Scottish taskmaster's stringent regulations be in force in 
Singapore, but it will also provide an insight into the exacting demands of being a 
professional footballer.

As John Merritt, the managing director of ProEvents management which is promoting the 
tour, said: 'There are certainly a lot of do's and  on'ts for players on this tour.'

That is quite an understatement. Ferguson allows no alcohol in players' rooms. And a 
midnight hamburger is out of the question too.

Said Chan: 'We've been asked to remove the mini-bars, and the players will not be 
allowed to order anything from room service.'

Menus that cater for the three daily meals and other snacks have already been sent to 
the hotel from Old Trafford. That menu must be followed strictly.

And even though Singapore is famed for its fish-head curry, chicken rice and roti 
prata, it is unlikely that the United stars will get to sample those dishes.

Said Chan: 'It would have been nice if they could have tried our local fare, but the 
players will follow a strict low-fat diet.'

And after the training sessions, someone had better throw those Red Devils a few 
bananas otherwise Ferguson will be displeased.

'Straight after training,' says Merritt, 'Ferguson insists on bananas for all his 
players. It must be bananas, as soon as they're finished.'

All of which begs the question. Why do United's players tolerate such a restrictive, 
austere lifestyle?

Well, aside from the prospect of trophies, Ruud van Nistelrooy's contract has just 
provided him with 40,000 reasons a week.

FERGIE'S LAW: Do's and don'ts

DO NOT DRINK: Ferguson has asked that all mini-bars be removed from the players' hotel 
rooms and that they not be served any alcohol at any of the bars.

DO NOT EAT: The players must follow a strict menu that has been sent from Old 
Trafford. They will not be allowed to stray from the menu during their Singapore stay.

O NOT BRING WIVES: Sorry Spice-Girl fans, there will be no Victoria 'Posh Spice' 
Beckham on this tour. Ferguson treats pre-season tours as work and does not permit 
players' wives or girlfriends.

DO EAT BANANAS: Ferguson loves bananas. After every training session, players must eat 
bananas. No other fruit, just bananas.

DO SLEEP ON BOARDS: Former United goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel insisted on having a 
plank of wood placed under his mattress, to help him sleep on tour.

The backroom staff at United apparently have continued the tradition. There will be 
two boards available at the Shangri-La for physiotherapy sessions.'

[12] Another Veron song
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Kathleen for this

'Not Fergie related, but yet another Veron ditty (let's face it, forking out  that 
kind of money deserves the ridiculous)

Veron Veron we think you're really great
veron Veron and so do all your mates
Veron Veron you are the icing on the cake

Veron Veron with you we'll have such fun
Veron Veron the scousers on the run
Veron Veron we're gonna win the lot again

Just in passing, I am currently on holiday near a place in Queensland called "Yorkey's 
Knob". Srangely enough the least impressive of all the beaches on the gold coast.'

[11] OH NO!
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Transfer gossip - Quinton Fortune could be on his way to Bolton for between £2m-3m.

[10] Cuddly Pete on Fergie staying
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It's something I am delighted about and the rest of the board are delighted about. 
It's good news for all our supporters everywhere. It's incredibly important for the 
club. Alex is in many ways, to a lot of our new fans, the icon of the club. There are 
not too many legends around but he is one of these. The role we have defined is the 
right role for him and Manchester United. 

We are going to continue to have a very enjoyable relationship and that's good news 
for everyone. Maintaining continuity is so important to the club. His presence will 
prove invaluable in sustaining and growing the popularity of Manchester United. Most 
important of all keeping Sir Alex at United will delight our fans."

[9] More from Ole
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Last season was not good enough for United. That is why they have gone out and bought 
the likes of Ruud and Juan Veron and they will both bring major strengths with them."

[8] Ole on next season
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I see no reason why I shouldn`t have confidence in myself. This year I plan to be 
stronger physically and mentally and have my best season for United. My goal is to be 
involved in all the big matches.  I have looked after myself in the summer. I am free 
of injury after my knee operation towards the end of last season and I shall be more 

[7] Cuddly Pete on no new players?
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There was a short-list of players and with Ruud (van Nistelrooy) and Sebastian 
(Veron) we have two great players joining what is already a fantastic squad, and that 
was one of the objectives that we set ourselves, and now it is about finalising the 
last renegotiations of the current squad and then I think we will be very well set for 
next season."

[6] Kenyon on replacing Fergie
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We have not started the process. The plans in the close season have always been about 
getting the team in shape for next season, making sure the plans are in place for our 
youth development, and that critical job will start after Christmas."

[5] This surely won't last long
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Patrick Vieira reported for pre-season training with Arsenal today. The France 
international arrived at Colney in north London this morning despite demanding a 
transfer from the Gunners over the summer break. The World Cup winner has been quoted 
in the press as criticising the club's summer signings and fellow players who have 
urged him not to leave the club, with some reports even suggesting he would go on 
strike if denied a transfer. Vieira could now face showdown talks with boss Arsene 
Wenger to thrash out his future before the new campaign begins.'

[4] The only time Liverpool will beat us all season
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
As Liverpool beat us in the Manchester Masters' Football shown live on SKY last night 
in the Final.

We'd beaten Everton 5-0 (Choccy and Sunbed getting a cracker each) and then played 
city in which the commentator without tongue in cheek said city were desperate to beat 
us for 'the first time since 1989'. We were 1-0 down with 40 seconds left; Choccy 
scores and the Blues in the crowd once again head for the kleenex box.

The Final was one game too many - we'd already lost 1-0 to them in the early stages 
and with Paul McGrath knackered for us (thought his knees were too bad these days) and 
a team featuring Dave Ryan in goal (the habitual 5 or 6 a side choice as we presumably 
have nobody else), Sunbed, Choccy, Viv Anderson, Frank Stapleton, Paul Parker, Sammy 
Mac (sent off against the Blues and booed still by the Bitters), Andy Ritchie and - 
wait for it - Neil Webb (how he can dare turn out in the Red!) meant we had to put up 
with fat Jan Molby lifting the trophy as Choccy et al looked on. The latter is though 
sporting a nifty Veron like goatee as he starts off under Fergie's tuition on the 
reserve team bench this season.

[3] Best fans in the world - no, just Cry Babies
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Sunday Mirror yesterday

OF KEEGAN ERA WHERE FANS HAVE THEIR SAY THE TOON Army are facing their first desertion 
charge since pre-Kevin Keegan days. (sunday mirror)

Newcastle United have had to put up the "house full" signs since Keegan's second 
season in 1992-93 when they won promotion to the Premier League. 

But, having increased capacity from 36,000 to 52,000 last year, Newcastle face a 
struggle to sell out next season. Early indications are that season ticket sales are 
significantly down on last season's amazing 44,000 figure, despite most Premier League 
clubs reporting a rise in summer sales. 

United insist they are still collating their figures, but various estimates within the 
club put the figure at between 27,000 and 35,000 - still one of the best in the 

What is certain is that Newcastle are now accepting applications from fans on their 
waiting list. That much is confirmed by ticket office staff, despite United's 
reluctance to reveal the figures. 

That drop reflects the disappointment felt by Geordie fans after the four poor seasons 
that followed the consecutive runners-up spots they achieved in 1995-96 and 1996-97. 

And manager Bobby Robson's failure to attract the sort of star names that were 
commonplace in the Keegan era has only added to the sense of gloom. 

Kevin Miles of the Independent Newcastle United Supporters' Association said: "I'm not 
surprised to hear season ticket sales are down. Newcastle have just not delivered in 
recent seasons. Newcastle fans have been fantastically loyal down the years, but there 
appears to be less and less chance of that loyalty ever being rewarded with a 
successful team. 

"I know quite a few suppoorters who aren't prepared to renew their season tickets 
until the club starts showing the same ambition as the fans. 

"Fans now have the experience of the increased capacity and they could see last season 
there were nearly always some empty seats. Once they realise buying a season ticket is 
no longer a necessity sales could fall even further." 

Season ticket sales are generally down in the North East where, despite the passion of 
the fans, the top-flight title hasn't been won since Sunderland's success way back in 

Sunderland actually cut their prices for the new campaign and are still hoping to 
equal last season's record figure of 37,000 season tickets. Middlesbrough are down on 
last term's figure of 25,000, but report a big upturn since new boss Steve McClaren 
replaced Bryan Robson. 

Spokesman Dave Allen said: "Our figures were down on last season early on, but since 
Steve McClaren took over there has been a significant improvement." 

Sales are generally up at most Premier League clubs with the newly-promoted clubs 
showing the biggest increases. Bolton are up 50 per cent to almost 15,000, while 
Fulham and Blacburn have gained 4,000 and 3,000 new season ticket holders 

Bolton's communications manager Katrina Davis told Fanzone:
"We are delighted with the response from our fans. The figures show a massive increase 
in season ticket holders." 

And Blackburn secretary Tom Finn said: "We kept the prices reasonable. And the 
increased figures show that the fans appreciated that." 

Among the clubs predicting a season ticket sell-out are champions Manchester United, 
Liverpool, Arsenal, Ipswich and Chelsea. 

YOU can contact Brian McNally on [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


TEAM        2000-01 2001-02 CHANGE 

Arsenal     21,000  21,000  No change 

Villa       13,000  12,700  -300 

Bolton      10,000  15,000  +5,000 

Blackburn   13,000 16,000   +3,000 

Charlton    18,000 20,900   +2,900 

Chelsea     20,000 21,300   +1,300 

Derby       15,000 15,700   +700 

Everton     20,000 18,800   -1,200 

Fulham      8,000  12,000   +4,000 

Ipswich     18,000 20,000   +2,000 

Leeds       23,000 26,000   +3,000 

Leicester   11,000 12,000   +1,000 

Liverpool   28,000 28,000   No change 

Man Utd     46,000 46,000   No change 

*Newcastle  45,000 34,000   -11,000 

*Sunderland 37,000 33,000  -4,000 

Tottenham   19,000 19,700   +700 

West Ham    16,000 16,000   No change 


[2] Who cares?
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
Liverpool full-back Christian Ziege is on the verge of completing a move to Tottenham.

[1] Fergie special - keep sending stuff in!
Posted Monday, July 16, 2001 by bar-knee:
We're now in the final days approaching the deadline for our Fergie special. We have 
truly had a great response with memories - be it personal meetings, magic games, etc 
but we want MORE! So please keep them coming in. The final deadline has now been 
confirmed as Thursday July 19th so get writing - anything and everything is 

This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 19th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 19th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[8] Fergie appeal - just days to go!
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
We're now in the final days approaching the deadline for our Fergie special. We have 
truly had a great response with memories - be it personal meetings, magic games, etc 
but we want MORE! So please keep them coming in. The final deadline has now been 
confirmed as Thursday July 19th so get writing - anything and everything is 

This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 19th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 19th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[7] You are banned
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

Frank de Boer has been banned by Fifa for one year following his failed drugs tests, 
according to the player's lawyer.

De Boer now looks set to miss Holland's World Cup campaign after Fifa followed the 
lead of Uefa by suspending the Barcelona defender.

Lawyer Cor Hellingman said: "They informed us about the suspension in the form of an 
unimportant notification."

Hellingman claimed Fifa should have waited until the outcome of De Boer's hearing on 
July 26 before imposing any possible ban.

De Boer's hearing is expected to last up to five weeks, meaning even if it is 
eventually successful he could now miss the World Cup clash against Republic of 
Ireland on September 1.

The 31-year-old's international team-mate Edgar Davids and Portugal captain Fernando 
Couto have also been banned by Fifa following positive tests for nandrolone.

[6] UEFA chief has cancer
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Uefa President Lennart Johansson has undergone treatment for prostate cancer.

"It is true that I have undergone treatment for prostate cancer recently, but that 
treatment has now been completed and so far appears to have been successful. I am 
hopeful that it will be cured. I have absolutely no reason to assume that my health 
will not allow me to continue in my present function as president of Uefa."

[5] Two ridiculous quotes
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bolton's new signing Henrik Pedersen:

"Now I'm playing here I'm a Bolton fan, but I supported Manchester City because they 
were probably the first team I saw on television - and I also liked the colour of 
their shirts."

(what laser blue?)

Kevin Keegan:

"We have four forwards that any club in the Premiership would be proud of and we are 
very strong in that department"

Proud. What get that Dickov, Goater and er, that's it?

[4] Ignore Kluivert speculation
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ignore all that talk of us signing Kluivert - he turned us down once and Fergie 
apparently vowed that was it. We nearly got him back then but his about turn was it as 
far as Utd were concerned.

[3] And your best player is not going to stay
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wenger again

"I don't just hope Vieira will turn up for training on Monday - I am sure he will turn 

And will then bigger off quicker than you can say 'no hopers'.

[2] Wenger goes on and on and on
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Money sometimes helps you to be successful, but there are plenty of teams in Europe 
who have spent fortunes but still don't have a team. I'm not a dreamer. There was an 
10-point difference between us last year and I don't think they are any weaker now. I 
hope we are stronger. To win the title we have got to show that. Let's not forget they 
have spent maybe four times more than us."

And just like that drink, he ain't bitter. Not.

[1] Wenger talking s***e?
Posted Sunday, July 15, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arsene Wenger:

"I'm not intimidated by the signing of Veron"

(and I'm an elephant)

"You have to say United are lucky to be able to spend so much money, but as for him 
being worth that amount, I don't know."

(jealousy will get you nowhere)

"I think Veron is a great player, but the price of a player is sometimes dictated by 
how much a club has to spend and United do have money to spend. At the moment we don't 
- but we will one day."

(one day over the rainbow)

[10] Story out of nothing
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror reports in a large back page spread how Juan Veron has to travel down to 
London to renew his 'invalid passport' after Utd realised his document was out of 
date. He had to go to the Argentinian Embassy to renew it. Er, and that's it.

[9] Becks on Fergie
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Mayself and the rest of the lads are desperate to give him that European Cup at 
Hampden Park"

[8] Lizarazu no chance?
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I was asked whether I had been in contact with Manchester United. I simply replied 
that I effectively had but at the end of last season. It wasn't new as I had already 
told everyone about it. Later, the media put everything into a bag, mixed it up and 
imagined what they wished. The only true thing in all this, is that I have a meeting 
with the (Bayern) management next week. We will discuss my situation in a professional 
manner. There are just a few things to clarify between us and I believe that we will 
come to an agreement"

[7] Fergie special - get writing on a boring Saturday!
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
We're now in the final days approaching the deadline for our Fergie special. We have 
truly had a great response with memories - be it personal meetings, magic games, etc 
but we want MORE! So please keep them coming in. The final deadline has now been 
confirmed as Thursday July 19th so get writing - anything and everything is 

This is a massive appeal - feel free to spread the word via forums, to mates, etc - 
the more help/contributions we get the better to make the following as good as we can 
make it.


Red News is planning a Fergie special edition for next season - planned long before 
recent events (which are hopefully to be sorted in the coming weeks) - this special is 
to commemorate his momentous time at Old Trafford and mark his last season at Old 
Trafford as manager (but not at the club!). We want this to be THE definitive accolade 
to Fergie, so need your help with as many ideas/articles/short memories from 1986-2002 
that you can provide to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Below are just a few of the things we're after - but let us know anything you'd like 
to see in the Fergie special.

N.B. The deadline for ALL contributions is July 19th 2001.

We're looking for

...any special Fergie quotes

...any special photos you may have of Fergie (that you took?) during his time at 
United. All will be returned after use.

...any unique memories you have of meeting him. Special recollections/comments, the 
diverse and different the better!

...the big challenge is listing magic fergie 'moments'. Basically we're looking for 
the great (and not so great?!) games under fergie over all those years - but not just 
the biggies (nou camp, chelsea 4-0, etc) but ones that you think were part of the 
fergie jigsaw that grew with each year (1-5 city, his first game at Oxford, etc, etc). 
We're looking for one paragraph for each game - if you recall a game which you think 
was pivital in the development of Fergie, with an off-beat memory or short description 
of the game events, your own comment, view, send them in!

...We're also looking for anyone who may know an Aberdeen fan during the time Fergie 
was there who would be able to write something of that era.

...feel free to choose your magic Fergie moments (not games this time, but off field 
memories - like psyching out keegan). Anything and everything sought - again one 
paragraph for each, feel free to do as many as you like!

...Other highlights - short one words, like best and worst moments under fergie

...your thoughts on the fergie era, etc...for a letters page

...quirky/funny stories & opinions on fergie

And lastly any suggestions of dramatic events that we wouldn't want to forget that 
Utd/fergie have experienced since '86. Even looking back these past few days at all my 
scrapbooks, etc, it's mad what I'd forgotten - so we are searching for a  listing of  
stuff you can recall off the top of your head, like the MEN poll over Ince, getting 
the OBE, any memory at all really.

...anyone who would like to advertise in this special please contact us.

Many thanks for anything you can provide - we really want this Fergie special to be, 
well, bloody special. So anything and everything is welcome - keep it coming and 
spread the word. We've already had a great response - thanks ever so much.

You can contact us by e.mail at 

or post stuff to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG
Deadline is this July 19th 2001!
Many, many thanks!

[6] Becks om Veron
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am really excited about the new season. We have made two fantastic buys in Ruud van 
Nistelrooy and Juan Veron. Ruud is a top-class striker, while Juan is one of the best 
midfielders in the world. When I look at the players we already have, plus these two, 
you cannot help but get excited about the season to come. I know people look at Real 
Madrid and it is incredible they have both Figo and Zidane in the same side. But I 
would put this Manchester United team up against anyone in Europe and believe we can 
do it."

So surely the new deal is around the corner?

[5] Worming his way about?
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sol Campbell had time to come up with better than this

"Maybe it was a natural kind of response but hopefully it will die down. Both parties 
need to move on, football goes on. I spent a lot of years at Spurs but now I am at 
Arsenal. Change comes to everyone".

[4] Over the coming days
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
You should start getting your books if you're a Season Ticket holder - with yet 
another exciting don't do this, don't do that letter from our Ken.

[3] Good point
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Eccles Red referring to the stock market announcement of Veron's signing

'From the Stock market.............

RNS Number:8237G
anchester United PLC
12 July 2001
David Gill, Managing Director
Paddy Harverson, Communications Director
Manchester United PLC
Juan Sebastian Veron
The board of Manchester United PLC is pleased to announce that an agreement has been 
signed with SS Lazio for the transfer of the registration of Juan Sebastian Veron to 
Manchester United.F.C.'

Does this mean that as far as the stock market are concerned we are still Manchester 
United FC? As in FOOTBALL CLUB? If this is the case, I think we should be badgering 
the powers that be to have FOOTBALL CLUB put back on the crest. I know it's been 
raised before but this is one thing that sticks in my throat. remember the good old 

[2] 8,000 tickets sold since Thursday
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:

Ryan Giggs Testimonial
Manchester United v Celtic, Old Trafford
Wednesday 1 August 2001, kick off 7.45pm.

Approximately 17,000 tickets remain and these will be on sale to the
general public from the Ticket Office Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am to 
5pm. (subject to availability).

Alternatively, at the same times, supporters unable to apply in person can purchase a 
seat by telephoning the MUFC Ticket Line on 0161 868 8010 giving their credit/debit 
card details. (Please note an administration fee of 3% per transaction is charged).

Supporters wishing to make a postal application can do so by enclosing a letter of 
application, sae and relevant payment i.e. (Open cheque made payable to RYAN GIGGS 
TESTIMONIAL COMMITTEE or credit/debit card details).

Please ensure the incoming envelope is clearly marked TESTIMONIAL.

Last seasons Members League Match Prices apply (subject to availability):

North and South Stand Upper and Lower £24
North Stand 2nd Tier £22
North West Quadrant Upper and Lower £21
West Stand Upper Tiers 1 and 2 (inc Family Stand) £21
North Stand 3rd Tier £19

A half price facility is available to over 65s and under 16s.

[1] As you do
Posted Saturday, July 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
To paraphrase that bloke on the Fast Show 'I was very, very drunk last night' leading 
to the usual high jumps but an encounter with a very good lookalike of Juan Veron (no 
doubt his signing for all manner of Reds to start growing goatee beards and shaved 
heads). Surreal activity followed as I wouldn't let him leave the bar without us both 
singing "There's only Juan Veron" (it works in trial as a song), and then me 
explaining how much money he could earn as a lookalike. He became so serious that this 
could be his future vocation that he said he's going to ring a lookalike agency on 
Monday. What the f*ck has all this got to do with anything you may ask? Nothing - but 
always use every opportunity to spread the word of Manchester United. 

"There's only Juan Veron, there's only Juan Veron".

[32] IMUSA on Fergie
Posted Friday, July 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It would have been a disaster if he had been allowed to leave," said Mark Longden, 
chairman of IMUSA

"Now it has all been sorted I am sure everyone, staff and supporters, will be 
delighted. We are not sure how many hours a week Alex will be working but whatever is 
good for him is good for us. Just to have him continue to be around the club will give 
everyone a massive lift. I think all the supporters are really up for it now and can't 
wait for the season to start."

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