[18] city like failure
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A 16-year-old horse has proved a racing cert - by losing his 100th race on the trot. 
Quixall Crossett failed to complete the three-mile race at the Southwell track near 
Nottingham, but managed to generate more media interest than the winner Secret Can't 

At the off, the horse was a 66-1 chance. Quixall, trained by pig farmer Ted Caine at 
his farm in Chop Gate, near Middlesbrough, was pulled up by his jockey half way 
through the race after becoming hopelessly detached from the leaders. But as the 
gelding went past the winning post - on the first circuit - he earned a massive cheer 
from the crowd.

And when the race eventually finished, the horse and his jockey Nick Kent were 
surrounded by reporters wanting to talk about the losing sequence of 100 races. 
Despite being the only horse in Britain ever to race 100 times and never win, Quixall 
is a favourite for legions of fans and even has his own website.

Named after former Manchester United player Albert Quixall, he has been racing since 
he was five and has won £8,000 in place money.'

[17] Saba Veron
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Pronounced as in Sabre...
This is what he has told journos to refer to him by.

[16] Call that playing catch up
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arsenal have signed Japanese international Junichi Inamoto from J-League club Gamba 

Wenger said: "We are pleased to welcome Inamoto to the club. He is physically strong 
and a great passer of the ball. His enthusiasm and ability will undoubtedly strengthen 
our squad this season."

Inamoto said: "The move to Arsenal is excellent for both Japanese football and myself. 
I'm looking forward to playing for one of the biggest clubs in Europe and also being 
part of a successful team."

Does he know who he has joined?

[15] ABU - a perfect example
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Maggie for sending this - from the Wild Card column of the Irish 
Independent. Truly sad.

'WILD CARD - Perfect plan to close down Manchester United

LISTEN up and pay attention. Today, after years of blighting the back page of the Indo 
with mundane musings every Monday, 'Wild Card' is pleased to announce that it has 
finally come up with a good idea.  Actually, the plan is better than good; it's 
brilliant. It's exactly what all decent, right-thinking sports fans have dreamed about 
for years a guaranteed means of ridding the world of the accursed, vile presence of 
Manchester United forever. 

Yes, you read it correctly. Forever. Manchester United gone, kaput, history. We're not 
just talking about Martin Edwards' Evil Ones never winning another trophy ever again, 
or even being relegated to the Vauxhall Conference, pleasant and all as that may be. 
No half measures here. What we're talking about is dismantling the club,  closing them 
down, selling off all the players, sacking all the back-room staff, and turning Sold 
Trafford into a housing estate. 

Like all the best ideas, its beauty is in its simplicity and it is amazing that nobody 
has thought of it before now. All we have to do is form a consortium, buy the club and 
close it down. Before revealing the finer details of this cunning strategy, 'Wild 
Card' would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Irish multi-millionaires, JP 
McManus and John Magnier, who inadvertently inspired the idea. 

The two men, of whom it can be truthfully asserted that they have more  money than 
sense unless, of course, they've also cornered the world market on sense have dipped 
into their loose change over the last couple of weeks and spent £30m acquiring 6.6 per 
cent of United's shares, one-fifteenth of the club. 

Big deal, you may think. Two legendary, flamboyant gamblers with loads of money buy 
shares in soccer club for investment purposes. Nothing too inspirational about that.  
No, but what is significant is the way they bought the shares, thereby  exposing the 
one major weakness in United's armoury, the club's Achilles Heel. 

Up to now we thought that United's only flaw was the Neville sisters and perhaps 
Silvestre the cat Frenchman, but we were mistaken the one thing that makes those 
cloven-hooved red demonic hordes of Merchandising United really vulnerable is the fact 
that they are listed on the stock market. 

You see, there was nothing the United board could do to stop McManus and Magnier from 
buying the shares. And indeed, they even had to  invoke Section 212 of the British 
Stock Exchange Act to find out the identity of their new-found friends. 

So, if McManus and Magnier could jump aboard so easily, there is nothing to stop us, 
all sports fans who bravely oppose the forces of evil, from forming a consortium, 
buying the vile club and closing it down. It's a daring plan, but it is neither as 
hare-brained nor as expensive as  one may think. Indeed, if everything goes well, we 
might even make a few bob out of it. 

What we need, for starters, is about one million haters of Man United to subscribe 
£100 each to our top-secret consortium, which will be called Wild Card's Disunited 
Investment Company and chaired by yours truly.  That £100m war chest would be enough, 
at current market prices, to buy about 20 per cent of the club. Even if our buying 
spree caused the share price to double overnight, we'd still have 10 per cent which 
would be  enough to get a seat on the board. 

This first phase would take about six months to complete, after which we would have 
another whip-round to build up another £100m fighting fund for part two of our attack. 
 We'd start making a proper nuisance of ourselves at board level, causing as much 
instability as possible, thereby making the banks and other financial institutions who 
own about 60 per cent of the club so nervous about their investment that they begin to 
off-load their shares. 

The share price will plummet and we'll picking them up nice and cheaply until we've 
brought our holding up to 50 per cent. 

Then, and only then, will we announce our plans to close the club down. At this stage, 
Rupert Murdoch's BSkyB, who own 10 per cent, and Martin Edwards, who owns six per 
cent, would probably flee, so we could pick up those shares too.  McManus, Magnier and 
that group of Red Devil worshippers called Supporters United may be harder to scare 
off, but the 20 per cent they own between them won't matter because we'll be in 

We could then set about liquidating the club and recouping our total investment, which 
shouldn't top £300m. By returning Juan Veron and Ruud Van Nistelrooy to the shops they 
were bought from, we'd get £48m straight away. Then there's Roy Keane, Ryan Giggs, 
Jaap Stam, Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes  £10m each. We could flog David Beckham what a 
pleasant thought for a tuppence ha'penny to the Slovan Bratislava, while we could 
throw the other 20 or so bit players into the bargain bin at £2m a go.  Already, 
that's the grand total of £150m and tuppence ha'penny. And that's before we sell off 
their new training grounds at Mel wood and turn Old Trafford, and the megastore, into 
a housing estate. 

Even if we don't manage to break even, any losses will be tiny. And anyway, the 
money's not important just think of how much a better place  the world will be without 
Man United.  Of course, if the prospect of United being torn apart by the stock market 
they courted so lovingly isn't enough fun, we could, as owners, organise  another 
humiliation. Instead of closing it down completely, we could perhaps keep the name 
alive by turn ing it into a croquet club. 

If everything worked according to plan, we could then, if the mood took us, organise 
similar coups to dismantle other clubs quoted on the stock exchange, such as Arsenal, 
Leeds, Newcastle, Chelsea and Spurs. It would be one way for true lovers of sport to 
play a part in helping  Liverpool, who happily are not on the 'footsie' index, regain 
their rightful place at the top of the English game. Buoyed by our success, there 
would be no stopping us and we could then go global and turn our attention to whatever 
major multi-national we take a whimsical dislike to, buying them up and closing them 
down. It would certainly be more effective, and less dangerous, than holding a  
protest march in Genoa. 

So, want to avail of this chance of a lifetime to banish Man United from the face of 
the earth? Just send your £100 to Wild Card's back pocket, c/o Irish Independent 
Sports Dept, Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1.'

Oh stop, it's just so funny that my sides are splitting...


[14] Singapore stories
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:



[13] Fergie on Veron
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Juan showed his composure and did the simple things well. It was an intelligent 

[12] Ruud happy too
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I was so looking forward to playing my first game. It is important to score goals in 
the build-up to the season because it gives me confidence"

[11] Utd on the move
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
They fly to Singapore today for the second match of the three-game tour.

[10] Keane happy
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Two goals for Ruud and I think with his first touch he hit the bar. Juan did well in 
midfield and you could see the quality straight away. Hopefully it's a sign of good 
things to come. You could see from the first couple of training sessions, the quality 
of movement and the touch of the two players. They've lifted everyone in the team. 
They're two nice lads and hopefully we can enjoy some success with them."

[9] Fergie on yesterday
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ruud's taken his goals very well. He showed a lot of composure and he will be very 
happy he's got a couple of goals right away. I think good players like that have got 
an inner belief in themselves and that helps them settle into the team. Veron and Roy 
is one option I have now and with Paul Scholes that gives me an another option. We 
will start blending together different options and play different formations."

[8] Team from yesterday
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Barthez, Gary Nev, Stam, Johnsen, Irwin, Becks, Veron, Keane, Giggs, Yorke, Ruud

[7] United go all 'A' team
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Mail

'Manchester United officials gave their support to armed raids on four shopping malls 
in Kuala Lumpur yesterday as police and trading officers cracked down on the 
multi-million pound Far Eastern racket in counterfeit football merchandise. Ron 
Gourlay, general manager of United's merchandising department, said last night that 
the swoops had been a huge success.

Arrests were made and thousands of pounds worth of shirts and other items seized. 
Gourlay said: 'These raids can be dangerous - guns can be involved. The raids were 
even more successful than we hoped. We hit 16 outlets in the malls and it did a lot of 
damage to the people in charge. We also carry out raids on sweat shops where workers, 
often including children, earn a pittance working in very bad conditions. We are 
co-operating with UNICEF to try to sort out this problem.'

Raids on sweat shops? Wouldn't that mean the closure of some well known sports 
manafacturers factories all over the world?

[6] Di Canio on Utd interest
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Of course that (talk) makes you feel very good. Anybody would when you listen to good 
words from Sir Alex, one of the best managers in the world, talking about you at his 
club and in his team. Along with Real Madrid, we are talking about the best team in 
the world, so how can you be unhappy? It's important all the people recognise I'm a 
true professional and that I give 100% for the club".

[5] Transfer targets
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Press again went yesterday with talk of us swooping for Wigan goalie Roy Carroll in a 
£2m deal. And it appears that another bid for Lizarazu could be on the cards.

[4] On the subject of standing
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
Many season tickets for the new season have arrived - interesting to see that Ken 
Merrrett no longer writes the general letter accompanying the book (because of the 
Keano mention?) - and there is a more concilatory note about the standing issue, but 
still an underlying warning that 'do it and you will suffer'.

But you have to laugh at this: 

'United's match day staff want to work with you, not against you, and therefore we ask 
all our fans to co-operate with the stewards and other staff on match days'

Obviously no problem with stewards - but as to 'other staff', takes two to tango 
doesn't it?

[3] Do they mean us
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
A loaf of old tosh from yesterday's News of the World:

'Sections of Old Trafford could beocme no-go zones this term for safety reasons. 
Thousands of seats were removed last year and crunch talks between United and their 
local council this week will determine whether the club's safety plans have been 

Er, thousands of seats removed. When was that then? I don't think so - check your 

[2] New shareholder on United
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
JP McManus:

"I have never even thought about a takeover. I don't know if Alex Ferguson's position 
has been strengthened by our involvement. I'm very happy to see Alex as manager".

[1] Pit your wits against other Red News readers
Posted Monday, July 23, 2001 by bar-knee:
For those of you interested in joining the Football Fantasy League for this coming 
season, a Red News League is now available at www.cyki.com.

Once you have entered your team, simply click on My Leagues and in the Join box, type 
the following (might be easier to cut and paste).


[10] United win 6-0 in easy friendly
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Win 6-0 against the Malaysia All-Stars in Kuala Lumpur's Bukit Jalil Stadium.

Ruud van Nistelrooy and Andy Cole scored twice, one each for David Beckham and Luke 

It only took RVN 6 minutes to open his account - having hit the bar after just 40 
seconds (so the BDS reports anyway).

[9] massive win
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Kevin Horlock saved Manchester City's blushes as Kevin Keegan made his long-awaited 
return to club management. Horlock's deflected free-kick winner three minutes from 
time gave Keegan's new charges a 2-1 victory over the Third Division club. But it was 
no easy ride for City after Halifax trialist Mark Roberts scored after 75 minutes. The 
former Falkirk striker took a through-ball in his stride before lashing a shot into 
the roof of Carlo Nash's net. Darren Huckerby levelled three minutes later with a cool 
finish past goalkeeper Peter Crookes, and Roberts forced Nash into a fine save seconds 
later. The early part of the contest was more notable for debut appearances of City 
new boys Stuart Pearce and Australian captain Simon Colosimo.

Halifax spent the first half on the back foot soaking up the visitors' pressure with 
Laurent Charvet, Pearce and Shaun Goater all going close. The second half saw a 
new-look City with 10 changes, including Colosimo. As Halifax gained in confidence, 
skipper Neil Redfearn was inches over from the edge of the box and Roberts just missed 
the target with a chip after Nash's suicidal foray out of his area.'

With a win like that Bitters on Monday will be telling us that the Premiership will be 
easy to get back to. Halifax on Saturday, next stop the world. Massive man.

[8] More from Fergie
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Maybe I'll also change the formation at certain times for some of our Premiership 
games. I plan to experiment a little before the season starts. I want to see how we'd 
operate with three in the middle of the park or with Veron or Scholes moved forward 
into an attacking role. At times we will look like a different United but that should 
not alter what we are as a team or how effective we are. I know we will be very 
powerful in midfield and that's important because in my experience most games are won 
by the team who has control of the midfield. With Veron and Roy Keane in the middle 
for us we will be awesome, I'm sure."

[7] Fergie to use squad rotation
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I will have a team for the Champions League and the big fixtures in the Premiership 
like Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds, and at other times I will changes things around. 
One thing I do know is that Juan Veron and Ruud van Nistelrooy will certainly be key 
players for us in Europe and, from time to time, Veron will need to take a breather."

[6] Fergie on Scholes
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"In Paul Scholes we have a player who, without question, can score goals at any level. 
He is only one behind Andy Cole in our European standings. But he only scored seven in 
the league last season. Quite a lot of times he has tried to shore up the midfield to 
the detriment of his other qualities. Hopefully, with the maturity of the players we 
have he will use that scoring talent more." 

[5] FA Cup to go to Twickenham
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Can't see the local resident toffs allowing that one.

Speaking to the Sunday Mirror, an FA source said: "There have been mutterings at Soho 
Square about the suitability of the Millennium Stadium and there have been discussions 
about taking the cup final back to England. There is a get-out clause which would let 
the FA out of their agreement with the Millennium Stadium. That agreement has two 
years to run but some people think we should take the final back to an English venue, 
possibly Twickenham. Everything about the Millennium Stadium is excellent apart from 
its location and transport infrastructure."

So that's not everything then is it?

"At first the FA envisaged staging finals in Cardiff for three years but the Wembley 
fiasco means that English clubs could be travelling to Wales for an awful long time if 
a suitable venue isn't found in England. Twickenham is the only venue that meets the 

[4] Bizarre Wenger quote on new contract
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
"It only takes a handshake but I don't see any hand".

[3] Roughly translated - please don't pick on me!
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sol Campbell on the Germany game.

"We have got to put aside all the peoples' views on who you are playing for because 
the World Cup is a massive thing. We have got to go there to go out and really beat 
Germany, we have got to be positive. I can understand there are some people who will 
say things. You have got to look beyond that and put that in perspective. Football is 
a sport and people are passionate about it. But life moves on."

[2] How the mighty do fall
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
One team having to play in the 3rd prelim round of the Champions League who received 
very little mention is Celtic's opponents - Ajax. That'll be some game but a very big 
decline from the not so long ago European Cup winners perhaps puts our moans over 
European failure into some sort of perspective.

Rangers vs Fenerbahce is also a crucial tie.

[1] I know where I've seen that look before
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2001 by bar-knee:
I've finally worked it out. After England lost the second test by 8 wickets to 
Australia early on the 4th day - they are city in disguise. Same morose losing look - 
and you never see them play at the same time...

[20] massive signing
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
city have signed Israeli Eyal Berkovic from Celtic for £1.5million.

Keegan said: "Eyal will bring additional experience and creativity to the squad."

Celtic have lost £4.25m on the deal in just two years!

"I am delighted to be joining a club with a great future and want to be part of Kevin 
Keegan's plans for Manchester City."

Great future - oh dear, another 'thought they played in Red' is here!

[19] Cole to be on the bench?
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror speculates from the start of the season to accomodate a new 4-3-3 system. 
We shall see but unlike the last pre-season where reporting was left to local based 
hacks nice to see nearly all of the newspapers have sent out their UK based reports to 
cover the pre-season tour. Trebles all round!

[18] That must have taken a lot of thought
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
The ITV equivalent to Match of the Day is to be called The Premiership.

And bet it did cost a fortune to come up with that name!

[17] Check it out again
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
For a good laugh - wonder if he knows why he's getting so many hits from the UK yet?


[16] Giggs on the tour
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We're at a stage now where the club is massive all over the world. But obviously in 
the Far East the fans are fanatical"

[15] Becks stalked again?
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A 37-year-old woman has been charged with burglary following allegations that private 
letters were stolen from the apartment building of David and Victoria Beckham. The 
post was discovered missing following a break-in in the communal hallway of the 
building in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. The woman, from Edinburgh, who is alleged to have 
committed the offence on July 1, and will also face a charge of obtaining services by 
deception relating to a cab fare, police said. She was bailed to appear at 
Macclesfield Magistrates Court on Wednesday.'

[14] Peter Reid on holiday
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'People in an Indian city are being terrorised by a monkey who turns violent if he 
doesn't get his daily fix of alcohol. A Lucknow resident said teenage boys started 
giving plying the monkey with drink to watch its antics. But it turned nasty when they 
stopped. The Asian Age newspaper says the monkey this week bit off a seven-year-old 
boy's ear. It is also reported to have bitten over a dozen other people in the 
Rajajipuram district. Frightened residents have stopped sending their children to 
school and office workers travel through the area in groups or carrying sticks.'

[13] More transfer rumours
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
I've heard from a friend in Germany that rumours suggest Bayern have agreed to sell 
Bixente Lizarazu to United for approx £9m. Apparently after winning Champions League 
and Bundesliga with them last year he has no motivation to stay in Germany and wants 
to team up with close friend Fabian Barthez and experience new country/ culture etc. 
He's also impressed with United and new signings. Bayern have also acknowledged his 
commitment to them over the last few years and apparently have a replacement lined up. 
Deal should be done within next 2 weeks.

Dave (RN reader)

[12] Scousers alert!
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to the RN reader who pointed out that the Amazon link to the end of season vid 
to your right leads you to text which says

'Customers who bought this item also bought:

Manchester United - 1001 Greatest Goals; VHS Tape ~ Manchester United F.C.  Manchester 
United - End Of Season 1999/2000; VHS Tape ~ Manchester United F.C.  Liverpool - The 
Treble - Season Review 2000-2001; VHS Tape ~ Video Collection Int. Ltd. 
Click here for more suggestions...'

Some Amazon employee trying to have a larf - Utd fans buying Scouse shite. I think 
not. Oh by the way Mickeys - plastic trebles do not match REAL ones.

[11] Not on his way out?
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From one of our snouts in KL;

"One of the happiest looking players on the first day and at training was Fortune - 
who seemed more at home than ever"

Will that transfer request be withdrawn?

[10] Fergie on the team and Ruud
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
" We have got to improve. We are one of the best teams at getting possession of the 
ball but having got it we gain territory too quick. The speed at which we go forward 
fragments our shape. Hopefully the class of Veron will give us a unit that is more 
secure. He is a fantastic player"

On Ruud: "He will just get better and better, he is real raw material. He reminds me 
so much of Batistuta...I am pleased the club have shown a desire to keep up with other 
big names in Europe".

[9] More from Fergie
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I am pleased the club have shown a desire to keep up with other big names in Europe. 
The money was provided at United to improve the team and give it a challenge. I really 
feel that I'm going into my last season with a combined effort"

[8] More from Fergie
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"In Paul Scholes we have a player who, without question, can score goals at any level. 
He is only one behind Andy Cole in our European standings. But he only scored seven in 
the league last season. Quite a lot of times he has tried to shore up the midfield to 
the detriment of his other qualities. Hopefully, with the maturity of the players we 
have he will use that scoring talent more."

[7] Fergie in the Far East
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
And what do people in the Far East call here? The Far West?

"The worst fear for a top player at my club is their Manchester United place will be 
taken away from them. Hopefully, the new signings will have the desired effect. 
Without question we had to get them because I could see what was happening on the 
pitch last season. I believe the players got it into their minds that we were never 
going to buy another big player. I know there were some of them who wanted that new 
challenge of fresh faces. I wouldn't say they were in a comfort zone last season 
because I see enough of them in training to know that is not the case. But, 
unwittingly, when you have effectively won the league by January the edge can come off 
your play. When it came to the big games, apart from the odd decision, the team picked 

[6] Great news - OAP to start for Arse
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Arsene Wenger: 

"There will be fair competition between the two - although at the start of the season 
there is maybe a slight advantage for Seaman. But I think it is down to Richard Wright 
to show he can take over and I have told him that he will play matches."

[5] Only come to see United
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
from the Singapore Straits Times

'IT LOOKS like Manchester United will fill the National Stadium to the brim on Tuesday 
- because even Liverpool fans will be there.

In a sampling of fans from the rival camps yesterday, Timesport discovered that some 
Liverpool fanatics will be watching the Man U game - and wearing Pool red deliberately.

Timesport also unearthed a somewhat shocking piece of news: That at least one 
long-time Man United fan is 'just not interested'.

To businessman Gerry Koh, 46, his 20-year allegiance to Liverpool will not stop him 
from going to Kallang to watch the hated United for the simple reason that it is fun - 
yes, fun.

He said: 'Tell me, when can I see 50,000 people watching a football game in Singapore? 
Once in 10 years. The last time United came in 1986, I was there, too. 

'So what if I am a Liverpool fanatic? I'll even be at Kallang for Real Madrid, 
Juventus, Flamengo. Ultimately, anybody who misses a big game is not a football fan.

'So what if it is Man U playing? I just pretend like it's Liverpool's away match.'

Well said, but a young Pool die-hard, Darryl Heng, 14, is too emotionally involved: 
'You Man U fans, I will be there, with Michael Owen's shirt on.'

Another Liverpool fan who will be in his Reds jersey is Ricky Chin, 28.

The property dealer added fuel to the fire, saying: 'I will wear my Liverpool jersey 
on purpose. Let the Man U fans jeer me. That's all I want to do, be there in my Reds 

His fellow-Pool fan, property executive Ooi Seng Tiong, 42, will do one better: He 
will be going with a group of Man U supporters.

But the group will also include other Pool fans and one each from Spurs and Newcastle. 
An English Premier League reunion, if you like.

Said Ooi: 'I guess it's the occasion. We are looking forward to a good time, whether 
the football is good or bad.' 

Die-hard Man U fans are, of course, chorusing out there that the Red Devils are bound 
to give a better performance than Liverpool did last Monday.

Said Foo Say Hee, 38, a University of Manchester graduate: 'It's simple logic. Man U 
is a better team. And the Devils would have had one game in the heat in the bag after 
Kuala Lumpur, whereas Liverpool had none.

'I'm quite sure Liverpool will play better in Thailand, and so it goes. I know it's 
going to be an exhibition but I'll be quite disappointed if United doesn't win big.'

But wait for this...

Robert Tan, 50, a Red Devils disciple since the days of George Best and Bobby Charlton 
(1968 European Cup) - and eldest son of the boss who runs the famous Red House Katong 
Bakery, laughed: 'You won't see me there. What's the point? 

'It's the same old story of holiday football that I've seen at the National Stadium 
for over 20 years. I'm just not interested any more. 

'I'm sure Man U will put up a far better show than Liverpool because the facts speak 
for themselves. The better team plays better football.

'But, with their million-dollar legs, you think they'll risk injury? Today, I'm quite 
happy to get the real excitement from live telecasts.'

What perhaps summed up Timesport's random poll so aptly is the happy dilemma facing 
car dealer Mohamed Rafe, 35.

Dressed in his Geylang United green at the Bedok Stadium last night, the Liverpool man 
said: 'Mine is a family matter. Nobody can interfere. I am Liverpool, my wife is Man 
U. And I have three girls -the eldest, 13, is Liverpool, middle one, 10, is Man U, and 
the smallest, 3, is Man U. So how?'

As the song goes: We Are Family.

Or is it You'll Never Walk Alone?'

[4] Latest team news
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ruud to make his debut in some form against the Malaysian Allstars XI in Kuala Lumpur.

[3] Fergie gets new pay deal
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
As rumoured in the press last week to take him up to £50,000 a week - because his 
contract apparently says he shall get parity with the highest earner at the club and 
other managers - Peter Reid recently got a pay rise so Fergie matches that.

Ferguson's financial advisor and negotiator Alan Baines: "I am a great believer that a 
manager can't command respect from the changing room unless he earns more than the 
players. So I was pleased at the success of my talks with the club to clinch a deal 
for this coming season that gives Sir Alex a bigger salary than any first-team star, 
players such as Keane, Giggs, Beckham and even the new signing, Veron."

[2] THIS makes the back page?
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Of the SUN, they go with the back page lead of Fergie being called 'His Excellency' at 
a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

Fergie said: "It is amazing how your station can go up in the space of one flight from 

[2] THIS makes the back page?
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Of the SUN, they go with the back page lead of Fergie being called 'His Excellency' at 
a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

Fergie said: "It is amazing how your station can go up in the space of one flight from 

[1] United on pre-season crush at airport
Posted Saturday, July 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
By local fans waiting to meet the team.

Ole: "It was a bit scary and overwhelming"

Paddy Harverson: "We're always concerened for players' security - especially abroad 
where there can be so many United fans"

[23] United arrive
Posted Friday, July 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Will for this from a local newspaper

'KUALA LUMPUR: More than 2,000 screaming fans greeted Manchester United soccer players 
and officials when they arrived at the KL International Airport at 8am (0000gmt) 
Friday.  The Red Devils, including stars like David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and new 
signings Ruud Van Nistelrooy and Juan Sebastian Veron, were overwhelmed by the support 
shown by their Malaysian fans. 

The fans had gathered as early as 6.30am (2230gmt).  Excitement among the fans, who 
were wearing their colours and chanting the names of their favourite stars, reached 
feverish pitch when the team, passed through immigration. 

Beckham especially was targeted by female fans who pulled at his shirt and screamed 
his name.  There were a few uncomfortable moments when the players had to walk the 
''gauntlet'' of near-hysterical fans to reach the two buses which whisked them away to 
the Palace of the Golden Horses hotel where they were staying.  The team of more than 
30 included manager Sir Alex Ferguson and CEO Peter Kenyon.  Manchester United will 
play Malaysia for The Star Challenge Cup at Bukit Jalil on Sunday.'

Wonder what the locals thought of the RN drunks also stumbling around the place?

[22] Phil Neville thinks Becks will stay
Posted Friday, July 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Players don't want to leave this place and I can see David signing. You don't leave 
here when you're being successful and at the moment we're being successful. At the 
moment there's no other club in England as successful as us so why leave and go and 
play for someone else? It's good that everyone is signing long-term contracts and I 
don't think there's anyone who has signed anything less than five years. The future 
looks good at the club. Whoever takes over from Alex Ferguson will have a good settled 
squad and I think if you have a settled squad you are going to be successful."

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