[19] Join IMUSA and SU today
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
You can join both IMUSA and Shareholders United today if you are in Sam Platts. We 
will be at the room at the top of the stairs overlooking the Quays.

Existing members can get into Platts free by producing their membership cards on the 
door (it's usually a quid)

[18] Becks on Ruud
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"Ruud is looking sharp and we can't wait to see what he can do in the league. 

"He seems to get better with every game he plays over here." 

[17] 'I felt like a spare part'
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
As Scholesy explains:

"I thought I had come to terms with not playing against Bayern Munich that night. But 
when we finally won, it was hard not to feel a bit of a spare part. 

"But the gaffer has told us that if we're to be considered a great team we'll have to 
win it three or four times — and that is what we are still aiming to do." 

[16] Scholes on the competition for places
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"You won't here any arguments from the lads about that, although we know competition 
for places will be so much stronger. 

"We know that it is this kind of competition which will get the best out of us. 

"This is why it's difficult to say who the key man for United could be this season 
because there are so many candidates. 

"With a side like United it's hard to say who that man might be. 

"A lot of the lads expressed their opinions last season that they wanted new players 
here and then the manager goes out and buys two of the best in Europe." 

[15] The Ginger Prince unsure of his new role
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"If I want to be in the team I have to play where the manager wants me to play. 

"If it works out then great, but you never know how things will go until you are in to 
the season. 

"I don't know how it will work out with me playing up front. 

"I've only played in that role once or twice and I did play there for United four 
years ago. 

"But I've been playing in midfield for United for four years and this is why I suppose 
it will take time for me to adjust." 

[14] Mo Mo loses it
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
An enduring image, don't you think. And if no-one knew, how come the launch was to be 
held at OT?

The RN liggers are still sulking about missing out on the free vol au vonts and Blue 

Fergie explains:
"He (Watkins) phoned me while he was on holiday and went off his head." 

"Jaap's regretful and was badly advised, but the club should be told about any books." 

"I don't think it'll happen again." 

[13] Jordi amazed by us
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
As Fergie says:

"Jordi Cruyff always says he'll never know how we won the European Cup without 
cheating because other clubs do, sometimes you get annoyed with European opponents 
diving, and I told the players not to complain to the ref. They should know what to 

[12] Fergie on Veron
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"Veron's not here to prove anything. We're not chasing moonbeams any more, we're an 
established club and you're only talking about making percentage improvements. He'll 
hopefully give us that and more success in Europe." 

[11] Jaap has some apologising to do over his book
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
As Fergie says:

"I know Jaap is regretful about all of this now. He has been badly advised. Maybe he 
has got a bit of making up to do in the dressing room." 

"To write a book like that means that he was badly advised. 

"He never got permission from the club to write it. 

"I never knew he was writing a book and I was stunned when a director phoned me up to 
tell me." 

[10] Scholsey modest as ever
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
'I don't regard myself as the key man. If you want to be in the team, you've got to 
play where the manager wants. Everybody has welcomed the new signings although it has 
increased the competition. That's something we have to live with but it can only be 
good for the team. To get the best out of players you need that.' 

[9] Fergie wanted Van de Sar
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
'I wanted him at the time of the Mark Bosnich signing,' the manager admitted. 'We were 
very interested and I asked him to stay free from other clubs until the 1999 season 
was over. But Juventus pulled their usual trick brilliantly again. 

'They got Van der Sar to Italy before that season finished, and wouldn't let him out 
until he had signed for them. It was the right thing to do. I still admire him, mind, 
because he is a very good keeper.' 

[8] Fergie on his strikers
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
'Has there ever been a time when Andy has sat in the stand the whole season? No. Well, 
why should it change now? 

'All our strikers will be needed in the months ahead. They will all get plenty of 
games between them. The important factor is to have that freshness up front and that 
means making changes. Van Nistelrooy will not play all the time. He will get his rest, 

[7] Fergie's midfield dilema
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
'I have been left with a bit of a dilemma over this issue. I could have done without 
Nicky Butt's injury because now I certainly need to consider the balance of the whole 

'Veron will obviously be one of the important partnership. The question is the player 
I pair him with. Scholes, for one, can do that. But there is also Beck-ham, allowing 
me to bring Luke Chadwick into the side in the wide position. 

'I have still to decide the best way to go about finding the midfield balance. 
Beckham, clearly, has a chance.' 

[6] More Massive grief
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
>From the People:

MANCHESTER CITY striker Paulo Wanchope is the subject of a police investigation after 
he was accused yesterday of striking a 15-year-old ball-boy. 

He could face charges after schoolboy ball-boy Stuart Frohawk insisted: "Wanchope 
struck me in the neck." 

The former West Ham and Derby striker - sent off in a 2-0 defeat at Norwich yesterday 
- was accused of "behaving like an animal" by an eye-witness. 

Reacting to the claims, Superintendent Ian Quinton of Norwich police said: "An 
incident involving a 15-year-old ball boy and Paulo Wanchope, a player for Manchester 
City, has been brought to the attention of the police. 

"We have, in turn, informed the match referee. 

"A number of witnesses need to be seen and it is quite possible there will be video or 
TV footage. 

"The matter will be further investigated by Norfolk Constabulary and our response will 
depend on the findings of that further inquiry. 

"It may be that the matter is dealt with appropriately at club level, by the FA or the 

The incident occurred in the 85th minute when Wanchope chased a ball that went out of 
play for a goal kickyto the home side. The Costa Rican appeared to get involved with a 
ball-boy who was led away in distress by stewards. 

Home fans reacted angrily but referee Paul Taylor ignored the incident and took no 

However, one eyewitness who was seated in the Barclay stand added: "Wanchope behaved 
like an animal." 

Another claimed Wanchope had tried to retrieve the ball and in doing so clashed with 
the ball-boy, pushing him to the ground. 

The player was allowed to leave with his team-mates after the game without being 
quizzed by police. 

Wanchope was red-carded in the 90th minute for a second bookable offence. 

[5] Fergie on Tigana
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"Good foreign managers can only be a beneficial influence on our game," he said. 
"There are possibly too many foreign players, but the good ones are worth having. 
Tigana's definitely a good manager." 

[4] Fergie in snide dig at Blackburn
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"They [Blackburn] came up with a powerful, resilient team, but to me Fulham have got 
what it takes to last longer," he declared. "It will be hard work, but I think that's 
what they're intention is. What nobody knows is how long it's going to take."

[3] Fegie remembers 
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"I remember Fulham in the days of [Bobby] Robson and [Johnny] Haynes but they slipped 
back as far as you can imagine. When you're in that position you do two things. You 
crumble up and die or do something about it. Quite often after a team have been in the 
shadows, when they get a chance back in the top league they want to make sure they 
don't go back."

[2] Fergie on Fulham
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"I don't think Mr Al Fayed is putting in the sort of money that Jack Walker did at 
Blackburn, but they've already got a lot going for them. I know what they are doing at 
youth level, and it's very impressive," Ferguson said. "The structure looks excellent 
and they've shown a lot of ambition already, with the signing of [Edwin] van der Sar. 
You have to admire that from a club who haven't been in the big time for many years."

[1] Eric Harrison on the Fergie philosophy
Posted Sunday, August 19, 2001 by tb:
"In some ways, the boss is a lot like Brian Clough. Nobody gets away with anything. 
Everyone at the club soon realised we were in the business of being successful – 
and staying successful."

He adds: "Things were happening I had never experienced. The boss and Archie [Knox, 
Ferguson's initial assistant] came to every reserve and youth match they could. The 
boys got the message. They realised the boss was watching their every move. It may 
have been a bit intimidating for some, but I was pleased that this was happening. 
Weak-kneed players are no good to Manchester United."

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