[29] Keano on international week and Mickeys
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I think the internationals this week will top up our fitness nicely. Liverpool 
finished the end of last season fantastically well. Of course they will be one of our 
challengers but we knew that."

[28] Keano confident
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"No doubt Liverpool will be happy with the win, and let's not take anything away from 
them, but we won't be losing any sleep over it. We were happy with the second half of 
the game but the game is 90 minutes long. We gave ourselves a mountain to climb. We 
have lost the last three Charity Shields but gone on to do fairly well. The Charity 
Shield came a week early regarding fitness. We did a long trip to the Far East and 
that took a little bit out of us. But we've had a week or two back in Manchester and 
fitness wise we were running strongly towards the end. We picked up no injuries and 
lads are looking fairly sharp. Certainly they were late on."

[27] Just days left to register your team!
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
For those of you interested in joining the Football Fantasy League for this coming 
season, a Red News League is now available at www.cyki.com.

And free too! Once you have entered your team, simply click on My Leagues and in the 
Join box, type the following (might be easier to cut and paste).


[26] Scouser on Ruud
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sami Hyypia: 

"There's no question he's a fine player and he scored a lot of goals in Dutch 
football. I'm convinced he can make the change into the English football and I believe 
he has the quality to be even the top scorer in the Premiership next season. I've 
played a few times against Ruud in Holland, it's always difficult because he's looking 
for that through ball down the middle and he's very good in and around the area. He's 
a good finisher, with pace and he's a big man too. He's hard to contain and he's 
always trying to use his body to turn you. He'll get plenty of goals."

[25] Fergie in the clear
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
FA spokesman Paul Newman:

"This is a matter which has to be dealt with under Fifa regulations and not by the FA 
as Fifa have jurisdiction over international transfers. It is up to the Dutch FA to 
raise the issue with Fifa on behalf of the club if they feel it is appropriate."

[24] Greening spouts off again
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I can understand Andy Cole's point of view. It will probably be even harder for him 
because he's 30 soon. For someone playing week-in, week-out it would be so tough - but 
I was living in hope of breaking into the team. I tried it for three years but in the 
end I decided I had to go, especially when they bought new players. As a kid I 
supported United. It was a dream come true to play for them. And I don't regret my 
time there because I have learnt a lot from training and playing with the best players 
in the world and the way they go about things."

[23] Becks on Saint Michael
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
of Owen, or so the press would have you believe.

"We all know that Michael's a world-class player and he's started off the season 
really well. Hopefully it can continue for England and when someone like that is on 
form like he is, then it can only be good for us. I didn't enjoy watching him score in 
Cardiff, although it would certainly be handy if he did it against Germany. I would 
definitely admire that."

[22] Becks on Ingurland
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"You have certain goals and one of mine is to reach the World Cup finals. Especially 
being the England captain, that would be amazing for me. There are a lot more games to 
come yet and we have not yet started the Premiership season, but we know what is 
waiting at the end of the season for us if we perform well for England. You always 
want England to do well but it's different when you're England captain. You feel more 
responsibility for results and what goes on when you're on the pitch. We have to carry 
on performing as we have been but not get carried away. The big one is coming up in 

[21] massive ban
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
city and Millwall have agreed to ban each other's fans from travelling to the away 
games at either of the Den and Maine Road.

[20] Butt out of England game
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Along with Emile Heskey.

[19] More from Becks on Cole
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Andy Cole definitely has a major role to play with Manchester United. He has proved 
he is a world-class player and this will be a massive season for everyone at the club. 
Everyone at United knows the manager has signed a couple of  great players in Van 
Nistelrooy and Juan Veron. But we all have to compete for our places at United. I know 
 that and so does Andy Cole. If you don't perform to the  required level, there are 
always other players waiting to take your place in the team. 

We're a massive club"


"...and the manager has been signing world-class players for the last 10 years. You 
always think you're not going to get into the side. But then the boss sells someone 
and things fall into place. It's just a case of being very patient."

[18] Villa allocation latest
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
This just in from Paddy Harverson to Red News

'People from our ticket office have spoken to Aston Villa about this season's reduced 
allocation. The situation is that our allocation is 2,828, down from 2,964 last season 
(the full capacity of their segregated away section) and below the 3,000 required by 
league rules. 

Villa's safety director told us that the allocation is smaller than last season 
because of his decision to remove seats at the end of each row to make the gangway 
areas wider. He wanted to widen the gangways because he said the habit of United fans 
standing during games at Villa Park had created a safety risk. Standing in seated 
areas is one thing he did not want to make a major issue of, he said, but standing in 
the gangways was a serious safety risk that had to be tackled. 

He said he wanted to avoid a punitive large-scale reduction in the ticket allocation, 
and felt the removal of seats and the subsequent widening of gangways was the most 
sensible way to tackle the problem.

The reduction in seats is obviously costing Villa money, but as he is the club 
official with his name on the safety certificate (and, therefore, personally 
responsible if anything goes wrong), Villa's safety officer said he had to do 
something this season about people standing in the gangways. 

He gave no indication as to whether this would be a permament arrangement for all 
future United visits to Villa Park.'

Strange this as the Villa safety officer was one of the few people who complimented 
United fans in the infamous Utd end of season safety review which the Mail recently 
went to town with. 

[17] Stam hits it to the Nevilles
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We call the Nevilles 'busy c***s' for their endless grumbling about everything in 
general and nothing in particular. They never stop"

Giggs and Butt: "They are always the Peter Pans always playing the kinds of jokes most 
people left behind at school"

[16] More from Stam
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror

'DAVID Beckham may not be the brightest spark but at least he isn't as "stupid" on the 
pitch as Arsenal's Patrick Vieira, says Jaap Stam. The big Dutchman pulls no no 
punches with his opinion of French midfielder Vieira, but leaps to the defence of Old 
Trafford team mate Beckham. 

"People say David is thick, and I admit he'll never be asked to take a turn in the 
Mastermind chair," said Stam. 

"But I doubt I'd be wanted in there either. David's not thick, he's just a normal guy 
having to put up with a load of s*** thrown at him by people who don't even know him. 
I'm thinking about those mindless thugs who hurl abuse at him from the stands. 
Spiteful songs about how they hope his son catches Aids and his wife's sexual 

"I hope anyone who has been stupid enough to sing those things feels terrible. I'd 
love to see them stand face to face with David and then shout their filth." 

Stam's no holds-barred attack on Highbury hero Vieira is certain to fuel the already 
bitter rivalry between United and Arsenal. He says: "Patrick does stupid things. He is 
a great player but he ruins his game by picking up too many cards for stupid little 
things. There's always an elbow here or a sly kick here, and when you look at him it's 
easy to see when the red mist is about to descend. I know Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger 
has moaned that opposing players are always out to wind him up, but that's football. 
You just have to get on with it." 

Stam also takes issue with Vieira's claim that referees pick on him. He said: "His 
whole style involves playing on the edge, and if you play like that you can expect to 
get on the wrong side of a referee every now and then."

[15] Fergie refuses to speak to the Mirror
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
When asked for a comment: 

"What do you want? I've got nothing to say."

Hopefully the players will look at giving interviews to the fanzines for a chance 
instead of tabloids willing to stitch them up at every opportunity... 

[14] More from the Stam serialisation
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Remember you can order a copy of Stam's book by clicking on the Amazon link on the 
right of the news, with a 30% off offer for Red News readers.

>From the Mirror

'MANCHESTER United's Jaap Stam has told how the team were bitterly upset by the FA Cup 
pullout that rocked the football world. He accuses the game's bosses of virtually 
"holding a gun" to United's head to make them play instead in a prestige new 
tournament in Brazil. 

The Dutch star says: "People all over the place were saying that we were 'killing the 
FA Cup' and those words really hurt us. 

"To a man we wanted to stay and play, but the board made a decision and that was that. 
Whether we liked it or not, we had to be professional and do what we were told. It was 
so hard to take, but we just had to accept it." 

Defender Stam, 29, tells the full story of the Cup bust-up that triggered a  massive 
Mirror campaign in his autobiography, Head-to-Head, out next week. 

nited - then holders of the best-loved knockout trophy in soccer - withdrew from the 
competition in 2000 because it clashed with the inaugural FIFA Club World 

They didn't make the last four and the January trip to Brazil proved a disaster.'

(well not really, what did we win a few months later?)

'Now, for the first time, Stam reveals the behind-the-scenes heartbreak  at the snub 
to the FA Cup in favour of a "joke tournament" on the otherside of the world. 

It was suggested that United's participation in the event would bolster England's 
ill-fated bid to host the 2006 World Cup. 

Stam says: "The FA Cup is a wonderful competition to play in, and as holders we had a 
really strong desire to defend our crown. I love the FA  Cup, the history, the glamour 
and driving up to Wembley on the big day knowing the focus is on you. Who wouldn't? 
That's why it was really painful when people started saying we had betrayed football 
by pulling out, particularly as none of the players had a say in the final decision. 
The Mirror launched a campaign to stop us from pulling out and it seemed that everyone 
wanted us to stay and play. We were portrayed as the greedy boys from up north who 
cared little for football, but passionately for our bank accounts. 

It was claimed that, at the first whiff of a new market, the club had set off to 
exploit it like a money-grabbing ogre. We were being pilloried from all sides." Stam 
describes how United boss Sir Alex Ferguson broke the news of the pullout in November 

He says: "We couldn't believe what we were hearing. The death knell for our FA Cup 
hopes came in a heart-to-heart meeting with the manager. We were called into a room at 
the training ground and sat down to face a glum-looking Fergie. Clearly, he found it 
difficult to break the news because he knew how keen we were to retain the trophy. 

"Fergie just said, 'I'm sorry, guys...it's just not possible to do both and if we 
snubbed the offer to go to Brazil, it would make things really tricky for us. So we've 
had to bite the bullet and pull out of the FA Cup. I know how much the Cup means to 
all of us, but there's nothing we can do'." 

Stam adds: "The gaffer didn't need to spell out the facts to us. It was impossible for 
us to play in both and, as the FA had all but put a PR gun to United's head, we were 
off to Brazil." 

The 6ft 3ins defender adds that if the FA Cup is suffering a "malaise", it isn't just 
down to United. 

Clubs are more concerned with securing a place in the European Champions' League, 
which is decided by Premiership position. Stam points to the example of Liverpool 
manager Gerard Houllier last season. 

"His team were chasing three trophies, including the FA Cup, yet he claimed winning 
the treble would be considered a failure in his eyes if Liverpool failed to book a 
Champions' League place." 

Recalling the Brazil trip, Stam admits that sunshine-holiday style pictures of the 
players did nothing to help their cause back home. He says: "We were prepared for the 
worst and the mass of photographers didn't disappoint in conjuring up a picture to 
fool the readers in England.'

(presumably that means readers of the Mirror being fooled....by whom then?)

"Dwight Yorke was pictured lying face down in the sand, while some of
the guys sat in the pool in the background. It was the perfect illustration of the 
'relaxing' time we were having out there." 

Stam concludes: "It was a tough trip given all the controversy surrounding it. In the 
end, it was a disappointing tournament that failed to live up to my expectations."

[13] Frank De Boer on Scholes
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The English player I most admire is Scholes. For me, he is the most complete 
footballer I have seen in a long time and in many ways he reminds me of Cruyff. Like 
Cruyff, Scholes always seems to be in the right place at the right time and he scores 
important goals at crucial times." 

[12] Change of tune
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror's web site covers the story on this site that Becks is keen to stay at 
United. Strange that as in the early editions of the paper, Harry Harris has yet 
another 'exclusive' that Inter and AC Milan will 'make formal moves' and that it is 
'vital new deals are finalised before the Premiership kicks off this weekend'.

There will be a slight delay Harry, but do you believe this nonsense you write? As on 
the pulse as ever...

[11] The Mirror spouts off again
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Unbelievably we're the target for an Editorial again.

'SIR Alex Ferguson is off the hook again. No one will take on the Manchester United 
boss even though he clearly broke FA and FIFA rules by illegally meeting defender Jaap 
Stam in secret to tempt him to Old Trafford. 

The Dutch defender openly admits the meeting took place. But his former club, PSV 
Eindhoven, is not prepared to make an official complaint. How convenient for the 
football authorities. If there's no complaint, they can get away with doing nothing. 

It's proof yet again that the power of rich clubs like United will protect them when 
they ride roughshod over the rules. But it's the game which suffers.'

(now remind me about those share accusations that the Mirror was involved in a year 

[10] We get thanks at last
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
FA director of marketing Paul Barber said: 

"We would like to pay particular thanks to the supporters of Manchester United and 
Liverpool for their excellent behaviour in Cardiff over the weekend. Not only did they 
create a wonderful atmosphere in the stadium, they have been praised by the police for 
their general conduct over the full weekend. We would also like top express our thanks 
to the hotel owners, shopkeepers and bar owners of Cardiff for the great hospitality 
shown toward the visitors to the city for the Charity Shield."

[9] Butt doubtful
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Picked up a knock in the Charity Shield as is doubtful for the England game.

[8] O'Shea to get his chance
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
For Eire vs Croatia

Republic boss Mick McCarthy:

"Young John O'Shea is fortunate to be at such a great club as Manchester United. He 
has come on leaps and bounds but I would still like him to be playing first-team 
football. The lad is unfortunate in another way. Anywhere else he would be getting 
into the starting line-up with most Premiership clubs."

[7] Fortune pulls out of squad
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Fortune has pulled out of the South Africa squad to take on Sweden on Wednesday. He 
dislocated his shoulder during training last week.

[6] Becks on the Dutch
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"The Dutch are a professional team. It's going to be an interesting game - you have to 
take every international game seriously. To be given the captaincy is the best honour 
I've been given in football but it's not time to get carried away."

[5] Becks on Cole
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Andy's looking fresh and ready to go. He's an exciting player and on his day he's one 
of the best."

[4] Becks on Fowlup
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"There's always speculation about players - but Robbie looked sharp and at the end of 
the day he's a great player. If he gets his chance on Wednesday I'm sure he'll play as 
well as he did in Greece."

[3] Becks - deal still to be signed
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
But we stick with our snouts view that there will be good news come the Autumn.

Becks: "I've always said that I've never been in a rush. I love Manchester United and 
I want to stay there. As far as I'm concerned, three lots of talks have gone on so far 
and they've gone quite well. I'm a Manchester United fan and I do want to stay at the 
club. It's where I've won things, it's where my best friends are and my family like 
coming to watch me. Those are important things for me. There is always going to be 
speculation about whether I'm going to go to another club, up until I sign my new 
contract, but there's nothing wrong and when it's right, I'll sign. There are more 
talks in September and we'll see what happens then. I would like to know who the next 
manager is but I don't feel under any pressure to sign a new contract yet."

[2] We get the blame...again
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Scouse fans are so love they'd have you believe.

>From BBC Wales, spotted by Mark

'Over 700 officers were drafted in ahead of the game South Wales police have insisted 
that football violence will not be tolerated after clashes on the streets of Cardiff 
during the Charity Shield weekend. 

Two boys aged 11 and 13 were arrested after a man's back was slashed just before 
kick-off of the Liverpool v Manchester United match on Sunday which Liverpool won 2-1. 

Police discovered the man - who is thought to have been injured with a carpet knife - 
after they were called to reports of a disturbance in Wood Street. 

A total of 25 arrests were made over the weekend and two police officers were injured 
in scuffles involving football fans in the city centre on Saturday night. 

One officer suffered a broken arm when he went to investigate a gang assault, while a 
second was left with bruises and cuts in an attack. 

Over 700 officers were drafted on the streets of Cardiff to head off any trouble 
during the Millennium Stadium clash. 

Nine people were arrested on Sunday but the majority of the arrests were made on 
Saturday night after disturbances which were believed to have involved Cardiff City 
and Manchester United fans. 

The arrests were for assault, drug-related offences and public order offences. 

Neil Jellings Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police said: "Liverpool have been here 
many times before and we have never had any problems with their fans.  I really don't 
know why this has particularly kicked-off on this occasion." 

Officers said the outbursts on Saturday may have been organised by fans claiming to 
support Cardiff, who won their opening Nationwide League Division Two match 1-0 
against Wycombe at Ninian Park earlier in the day. Police have said they are planning 
further arrests in connection with the incidents, and are appealing for witnesses.'

[1] New Red News out on Sunday
Posted Tuesday, August 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 79 will be out on Sunday, sold before the Fulham game outside Old Trafford. It 
contains the funniest Liverpool team photo you will ever see (along the lines of the 
Arse 12 month calandar doing the rounds at the moment), Eric beach tourny review, 
gossip and a look at the recent Celtic friendly from unbiased eyes. A must have this 
issue will cost just £1.50.

You can reserve issue 79 by sending a cheque for £2 inc p&p to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester M16 8LG.

You may also be aware that we have produced a very special - and limited - Fergie 
special, a commemoration for the start of his last season in charge, containing many 
unique memories and stories. We will be selling this Fergie special at the Fulham 
game, but to be sure of your copy you can send a cheque for £2.50 to cover postage and 
packing to the above. We do however plan a re-print of this special if you can't get 
to the Fulham game.

[24] Stam's co-author backs up Jaap
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
And no doubt anticipates healthy sales

Journalist Jeremy Butler:

"Throughout writing the book, Jaap was honest and was determined to give a frank 
account of his transfer to and his days at Manchester United. It doesn't surprise me 
that he was willing to admit the fact that he had a meeting with Ferguson knowing what 
the implications could be because that's his character. He's not the kind of guy to 
hide behind people or words. He says what he thinks. It's been an absolute pleasure 
because he was so open. There was never a time when I thought he was holding anything 
back from me. He's genuinely a nice person and a gentleman."

[23] Kids arrested for Charity Shield attack
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'TWO schoolboys have been arrested after a Manchester United fan was 
slashed across the back with a knife before the Charity Shield match 
in Cardiff. The supporter, from Manchester, was attacked outside the Millennium  
Stadium. His injuries were not believed to be life threatening. 

The boys, aged 11 and 13, are from Cardiff. Police said there had  been sporadic 
violence outside the stadium and in Cardiff city centre  before the game. 

''There have been a few incidents of violence, but the incident where  the man was 
slashed has been the worst,'' said a spokesman. 

''There are a lot of police patrols in the area and we have CCTV  covering the area 
around the stadium and the city centre.''

Three Manchester United fans were arrested for public disorder  offences, a man from 
Liverpool was arrested for being drunk and  disorderly, and a man from Manchester was 
arrested in connection with  an assault.

Two police officers were injured on Saturday night during clashes  between fans in 
Cardiff during which fifteen people were arrested.'

[22] Stam's agent tries to cool things down
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Stam's agent, Michael Williams: "You are looking at one paragraph from a whole book 
which has been taken out of context. I do not see any problems being caused with the 
manager. It is still the intention to launch the book at Old Trafford next week."

[22] Stam's agent tries to cool things down
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Stam's agent, Michael Williams: "You are looking at one paragraph from a whole book 
which has been taken out of context. I do not see any problems being caused with the 
manager. It is still the intention to launch the book at Old Trafford next week."

[21] PSV - now they get involved
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
PSV spokesman Pedro Salazar-Hewitt said: "We never make problems for players who want 
to go to another club, we are prepared for that. But what you have to ask Mr Ferguson 
is why he has to act like this when he knows it is against the rules and the spirit of 
world football. There is really nothing we can do if they want to play at James Bond 
and arrange secret meetings in Amsterdam."

They will be taking no action however.

[20] More on Stam tapping claims
Posted Monday, August 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
Just a thought. The Mirror are obviously delighted with their scoop - having paid for 
the serialisation and then seeing the manuscript and probably thinking we've got a 
good story here. But front page. I ask you, and in my opinion we hear that PSV knew 
about the meeting anyway, so how can that be tapping?

Bet Stam is not happy with the spin on it today.

League Managers Association boss John Barnwell:

"At the bottom of everything, there's always an agent. Everybody does it - directors, 
players, managers - and until something is done about it, it will go on. Nobody has 
really got a grip of it. The FA have started to come to terms, but they need to do 
more. We have said for ages that the two main phenomena which make managers' jobs more 
difficult are the new breed of owners of football clubs who have different agendas, 
and agents. There are now shareholders in football clubs who are there to make money 
and not because they are wearing their shareholder's certificate as a badge of honour.

And then there are the agents bombarding clubs every day. It happens and everybody 
knows it happens. That makes the manager's job far more difficult because he can't 
possibly look long-term because players are always being unsettled. If someone comes 
and says to you 'I can increase your wages', you are going to consider it, aren't you? 
But that undermines the whole credibility of the system."

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