[22] Normal service has been resumed
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
Norwich 2 Massive 0

Last weeks player of the century Berkovic gets injured, Wanshot gets sent off, Twattio 
booked and former Red Phil Mulryne has a hand in one of the goals.

Best cancel the duraglit order Kev!

[21] O' Dreary obsessed with us
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
Or just after a job?

Speaking after today's game

"Alan always livens things up and he scored a wonderful goal," said O'Leary. "They 
came to nullify us. But Manchester United often win with late goals in games. They 
grind people down and that's what we have to do. We must be clinical.

[20] Easy mistake to make
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
Police in Merseyside have apologised to a mother and daughter with flowers and a 
cuddly toy after mistakenly targeting their home in a drugs raid.

Officers forced open Janet Frear's door during a series of early morning raids, only 
to find they had the wrong person.

Police say the mix-up happened when a suspect gave the address in Tuebrook as his own 
during questioning.

Ah, that old trick!

[19] Utd praised for disabled facilities
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
>From the Mirror:

CHARLTON, Manchester United, Aston Villa and Derby are the top 
Premiership clubs for providing facilities for disabled supporters, a 
new report says. 

Charlton, who lay on coaches for disabled fans for away games, have 
even appointed a co-ordinator to handle all disabled-related issues. 

The report, A Guide To Grounds, rates clubs according to regions. 

Charlton come out best among London clubs, with United leading the 
way in the north west. 

Aston Villa, Derby, County, Reading, Bristol City, Hudderfield and 
Scarborough are also commended. 

Peter Varney, Charlton's chief executive, said last night: "We are 
delighted to be nominated the best in the London region. 

"This award is testimony to the work we have done to provide disabled 
people with the best opportunity to watch Charlton Athletic." 

Charlton's England defender Chris Powell added: "Clubs have a major 
role to play in working closely with the local community. 

"Football is a national sport and everyone deserves the opportunity 
to enjoy watching it." 

Alan Milner, chairman of the National Association of Disabled 
Supporters, said: "We have been delighted by the positive response 
and support from clubs we have visited. 

"Many of them are genuinely eager to get it right and provide better 

"Football fans take great pride in their clubs and it's not just 
about performance on the pitch, it's about everything that they stand 
for. That includes their attitude to disabled supporters." 

A Guide To Grounds, supported by mobile phone giants One 2 One, is 
available for free at football grounds across the country. 

[18] Wenger the hypocrite part 97698759
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
>From the Mirror:

ARSENE WENGER confessed last night to breaking football's strict 
rules about luring players as the murky business of transfers clouded 
the new season's opening day. 

The Arsenal manager admitted that illegal tapping of wanted targets 
is widespread. 

But he revealed the crusading stand that Arsenal took when Patrick 
Vieira threatened to quit earlier this summer - they demanded an 
investigation over Manchester United's interest - was only part of 
the ploy to keep him. 

After Jaap Stam's revelation in The Mirror that he was illegally 
tapped by Sir Alex Ferguson, the new season is starting with the 
focus once again upon football's controversial business practises. 

Premiership rules state that approaches made both directly and 
indirectly, via an agent, are forbidden without permission from a 
player's club. 

But Wenger said: "We try to never speak directly to a player when we 
are not supposed to do it. 

"You can always ask an agent if a player is for sale or not. Of 
course I have done that. It is not the same thing. If the agent says 
no, he has four years to go, he is happy there, I say okay. 

"If the club doesn't want to sell him, I stop it there." 

Wenger's admission is not a confession to open tapping. 

But it reveals he uses the very same practice over which he attacked 
United earlier in the summer at the height of Vieira's attempt to 
walk out. 

Wenger caused a storm when he accused Old Trafford chiefs of 
approaching French midfield star Vieira about a possible move without 
officially contacting Highbury first. 

United insisted they made a proper approach. And Vieira has since 
openly confessed that his agent Marc Roger spoke to United, Real 
Madrid and Juventus and that he was tempted to leave London. 

Wenger said: "I know how the transfer market goes. I am not stupid 
enough to think that people don't speak to players." 

And asked "Does everybody do it?" He replied: "I think so." 

Wenger then revealed why Arsenal have stepped back from a potential 
war with United, despite their earlier claims they would track down 
information about contact with Vieira and his agent and demand 

He said: "It is not my job to put that in order. If somebody has to 
do it, it is the federation here, UEFA or FIFA. 

"We have tried to behave ourselves like we have to. But we don't have 
to be the police for the Premier League. 

"We don't want to be seen as if we want to rule what is right and 
what is wrong. We just wanted to keep Patrick Vieira. 

"What I said about United was just an answer to Ferguson, who had 
compared the two situations - Vieira and our signing of Sol Campbell. 

"I said they are not completely the same. That's all. 

"I used that fight to keep Patrick Vieira. That was the most 
important thing. 

"That meant keeping Patrick Vieira and focusing on the season rather 
than going into a dispute that really doesn't have interest for us."I 
do not want Manchester United to be reported. I just want to 
concentrate on the League and to play well. 

"In fairness, the fact that it all goes through agents means you can 
never prove anything." 

Premiership officials confirmed that their regulations K3 and U7 
forbid any club from making a direct or indirect approach to a 
contracted player at another club without permission. 

A spokesman said: "The spirit of those regulations refers to contact 
with agents as well as directly with players." 

Wenger added: "There is a lot of disruption in the transfer market 
because the English rules are not the same as the international 

[17] Should have kept your mouth shut David
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
>From the Mirror:

FOOTBALL clubs are racing to sign David Beckham's two-year-old son, 
it was revealed yesterday. 

Brooklyn Beckham has received an official offer to join his local 
side, despite his tender age. 

And other clubs near his home in Hertfordshire are also desperate to 
secure his signature. 

Sawbridgeworth youth chairman Steve Day said: "We've got a shirt 
ready for him, it's just a matter of whether we get a reply or not." 

The club wants to make sure it signs him up before other sides and 
the shirt bears Brooklyn's name and his dad's famous number seven. 

David has already made it clear his son is a talented player. 

In a recent interview, he said: "He's better than I was at his age. 
I'd love him to go into football." 

Top village side Hatfield Heath - who won the local premier league 
championship for the first time in 46 years last season - are also 
keen to sign up the little boy. 

Manager Stewart Jackson joked: "We'd welcome a player of Brooklyn's 
talent. In fact, he might get into our reserve side now!" 

Ian Kettridge, chairman of the Bishop's Stortford, Stansted & 
District Football League, said: "There's been a lot of talk among 
local clubs about who would secure Brooklyn's signature. He's 
obviously going to be a good player." 

Brooklyn has been practising his skills with David at their home near 

The proud dad, 26, said: "It's pretty amazing for a little boy of his 
age to kick the ball the way he does. It must be the genes." 

Brooklyn famously joined his dad on the pitch after Manchester United 
clinched the Premiership. 

[16] Remember - new Red News out tomorrow
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 79 will be out on Sunday, sold before the Fulham game outside Old Trafford. It 
contains the funniest Liverpool team photo you will ever see (along the lines of the 
Arse 12 month calandar doing the rounds at the moment), Eric beach tourny review, 
gossip and a look at the recent Celtic friendly from unbiased eyes. A must have this 
issue will cost just £1.50.

You can reserve issue 79 by sending a cheque for £2 inc p&p to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester M16 8LG.

You may also be aware that we have produced a very special - and limited - Fergie 
special, a commemoration for the start of his last season in charge, containing many 
unique memories and stories. We will be selling this Fergie special at the Fulham 
game, but to be sure of your copy (stocks are low) you can send a cheque for £2.50 to 
cover postage and packing to the above. We do however plan a re-print of this special 
if you can't get to the Fulham game. Sportspages (Manchester & London) also have 

[15] Fergie wants authority
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"The thing we look for when a player gets to the ages of Beckham or Ryan Giggs or Paul 
Scholes or the Nevilles, Butt and them,is playing with authority, which experience 
gives you."

"At a good age, 28, 29, they play with time – they give themselves time on the 
pitch which they never had before. These are the things which will be added to their 
game in the next couple of years."

[15] Fegie on new signings
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"They’ve proved what we expected - they’re top players who have the 
intelligence which can afford them an easy passage into the team."

[14] European disappointments
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
Fergie says:

"We were disappointed to be knocked out of the European Cup twice in a row in the 
quarter-finals – albeit the winners knocked us out both years. We should have 
done better and the players know that, I know that and the fans know that. You 
can’t kid on, walking through with blinkers. It’s patently obvious. And 
it’s only small things, you know. We needed a challenge."

[13] Fergie on Becks
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"I think David, like all the rest, will want to improve his performance to make sure 
he stays in the team. That’s the whole nub of what Roy Keane was talking about 
– challenge. It was good that Roy came out and said ‘It could be me 
who’s left out but I’m going to make sure that it’s not’. And 
that’s the sort of thing we want."

[12] Jaap's agent on the book
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
Michael Williams: "I don't think this will have any effect on his career. 

"The way Jaap has conducted himself over the years with Manchester United has been 
exemplary. He is a quiet, family man and that is not going to change." 

Still, I doubt he'll want to bump into Fergie just at the moment

[11] Fat neck strikes again!
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
>From Bloomberg:

(Mind you there are plenty of people impersonating cricketers in the team already, so 
how could you tell!)

A man who posed as a Manchester United player for a team photograph in April pretended 
to be an England batsman during today's cricket match against Australia in Leeds. 

Karl Power made the front pages of U.K. newspapers when he dressed in the Manchester 
United uniform and lined up alongside the players before a Champions League match 
against Bayern Munich. After the photographs, he put on a tracksuit and walked back 
into the crowd. Television cameras picked up the stunt. 

Today, he began walking to the middle of the Headingley ground -- dressed in cricket 
whites with England's Vodafone logo, wearing a helmet and carrying a bat -- after the 
fall of England's second wicket. 

Nasser Hussain, the England captain, had already got to the crease, so Power took off 
his helmet halfway to the square, turned round and walked back. Power told reporters 
he intended to beat Hussain to the crease and he is planning three more stunts. 

[10] Van de Sar expects to be busy
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"I think I will have a lot of shots to deal with. 

"Van Nistelrooy is in good form and in good shape and it will be hard to deal with 

[9] McClaren on his style
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"I have tremendous respect for Arsene Wenger. 

"He has a different approach to the way football should be played, the preparations 
that go into it, and especially all the new scientific methods that are available now. 

"I know they will be title challengers." 

[8] Ranieri on Utd
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"I need to improve the mentality of my players and get them to show the same hunger as 
Manchester United. Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don't. 

"With United it is always high. Bang, bang, bang. Like a pneumatic drill." 

"They have such a good understanding they could play with blindfolds and still pass 
the ball to each other," he says. 

"Unfortunately Chelsea are many years away from being able to bring young players 
through into the team. 

[7] Ranieri upsets the shed dwellers
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"My ambition when I arrived at Stamford Bridge last year was to win the championship. 

"That is still my target but it will be very difficult to achieve that this season. 

"At the moment our most realistic aim is to finish in the top four and claim a place 
in the Champions League again. 

[6] Fergie on the Cottagers
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"They want to play football the right way and they will make it hard for plenty of 

"They have been in the shadows for 30-odd years and gone down the league. But, through 
the ambition of their chairman, they've come back again. 

"It will certainly be a good match to start."

[5] Fergie on the 'Us against the world' mentality
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"We have been used to a lot of praise over the last few years. Equally, we have got a 
lot of criticism — some of it over the top and some of it fair. 

"So what I do is build up a resilience about these things and create a mentality at 
the club so that we are not affected by it. 

"That helps to create a resolve and determination never to give in. 

"It gives us the platform and the ability comes on top of that." 

[4] Fergie: We do what comes naturally
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"We have the squad to cope. I also have natural winners in the team. 

"Look at people like Roy Keane and Fabien Barthez, who has won it all but still wants 

"Their attitude rubs off on all those people around them." 

[3] Fergie anticipates a fight this year (maybe!)
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"It certainly seems a mouthwatering prospect. Mind you, that's what we said last year! 

"We could have a good competition between five clubs. 

"I would expect Chelsea to be stronger. The same goes for Liverpool and Leeds. They 
are strong teams — but it's how they deal with the expectation. 

"Things are changing at Arsenal. Their traditional back four is not the same. They 
have brought in Sol Campbell and have a new goalkeeper. 

"But, without question, they have been our main challengers over the last decade and 
we know they will do well again — particularly at home." 

[2] Fergie: We prefer a hard one
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"We are certainly better when things are hard. The time I worry is when we go into 
cruise control. 

"Towards the end of last season there was just nothing happening. The league was won 
and the players were just thinking about going on holiday." 

[1] Fergie: Do try and keep up!
Posted Saturday, August 18, 2001 by tb:
"While we are still in the Champions League, I would prefer a real close fight for the 

"That keeps your performance level up. For the past two seasons our performances have 
suffered in Europe because we've not had a closer title race. 

"It would be great if we had four or five clubs all in touching distance of each other 
and really going for it. 

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