[20] All not well at Anfield?
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:

"They are part of my plans, but if they want to go we'll get someone else in. Some 
papers, without grounds, are saying something is wrong with Nick or Jari. First it was 
Robbie and we had a laugh between us about those stories. These fall-outs have all 
been conjured up out of thin air. Obviously four or five are not happy at not being 
involved, but we won things last season by staying united and by having players who 
were up for the task when they were called upon. The best way to be ready is to have 
the mental strength to be with us. The players who were on the bench were very 
supportive, which shows we are winning as a squad. Jari is definitely an important 
part of the squad. I fought hard to get him here. We need four strikers and he is the 
fourth. Bayern Munich have six and Manchester United have five. Jari understands the 
position. He is fit and is fine. At the moment I am sticking to two players because 
they are doing the job. It doesn't mean the two who are not playing !
don't deserve to play."

[19] More from Veron
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When I came here, they told me that they must win everything - it is a continuous 
challenge. People say I'm the key. Maybe it's a little bit exaggerated, but I like 
that kind of pressure on my shoulders. If you really want to be one of the greats, you 
must face challenges."

[18] Sabre Veron on Blanc
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Jaap was a great defender, but Laurent is the kind of player who can put order into 
the team. He is the man to put things right because he has so much experience. Lazio 
still have to grow as lot as a club. If you spend one week with United, you realise 
that you only have to think about playing. Everything is taken care of, nothing is 
missed. Everything is done to the maximum, and from that point of view, Lazio still 
have to grow a lot."

[17] Cuddly Peter at IMUSA
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Peter Kenyon will attend an IMUSA meeting on Tuesday 6th November at 
O'Briens in the Stretford Arndale.

Members only but you can join on the night - only a fiver

[17] No doubt they will shrink when the locals get their hands on them!
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A new fleet of buses in Merseyside is too big to go through the Mersey Tunnel. Arriva 
North West spent £7 million on 70 single decker DAF buses, but they are too wide for 
the toll booths at the Liverpool to Birkenhead tunnel. The mistake was only discovered 
when a driver first tried to complete the route. He had to take his passengers on an 
eight-mile detour because of the one-and-a-half inch discrepancy. Arriva told the 
Daily Express the bus had only been used because another had broken down. "We've 
plenty of buses narrow enough to get through," a spokesman said. Passenger Dave 
Griffith of Heswall said: "The driver was very apologetic but we were very late."

[16] Coruna crowd trouble
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
One report on the net states that there was trouble at both of their games in the past 
week between Athletic Bilbao and Olympiakos.

'Spanish newspapers reported that an unruly section of the 350 travelling  Greek 
supporters caused fights near the Riazor Stadium, with police making  five arrests. In 
the stadium, Deportivo took the decision to separate Olympiakos fans by  positioning 
them high up in the stands and the rest behind one of the goals. Following the Greek 
outfit's second goal - which came courtesy of Ghanaian  international Peter 
Ofari-Quaye - police officers were seen to use their  truncheons to push joyous 
supporters back to their seats. United are expected to take up to 1,500 fans to 
Galicia for the Group G clash next Tuesday.'

Not quite that many lads, about 1,000.

[15] At last - perspective
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
The Mirror finally slates the Keano coverage last weekend - but why wait so long, 
after their own paper printed the crass headlines too?

>From Des Kelly column

'ONE more postscript on the events of the weekend. Some people have suggested that 
Manchester United's Roy Keane was being disrespectful to the dead of New York and 
Washington by lashing out at Alan Shearer at Newcastle. A number of papers latched on 
to the obvious parallel, including this one. But it's too simplistic to link one to 
the other. Keane lost his cool in a football match and was sent off. That's it. Once 
the minute's silence was observed, he was playing in a Premiership match. The same 
goes for Robbie Savage, Frank Lampard, Kevin Phillips - and anyone else who was 
involved in an incident which occurred on a football pitch last week. They stepped 
outside the rules of the game. They did not commit a worldwide atrocity.  To say it 
was anything more is stretching the point a little too far.'

[14] Al Fayed dreaming again
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Fulham has the potential to become a global brand. My ambitions are for domestic and 
European success over the next few years, followed by recognition as one of the major 
players in the football industry in this country and, ultimately, worldwide. From the 
beginning it has always been my vision to make Fulham the Manchester United of the 
south. Jean Tigana is enjoying the challenge of creating a team which will fulfil my 
dream to make Fulham as big as Manchester United. I want to make the funds available 
to him that he needs to build a successful football team."

[13] See, it is the grey
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Peter Schmeichel finally wore the grey Aston Villa shirt he never wanted to (saying it 
was unlucky) last night. Villa then lost 3-2 at home to Varteks!

[12] And Posh sends out a message of love
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
By singing her new song, IOU, live to Becks as they appeared together on the Parkinson 
show (alongside Bestie) to be screened on Saturday.

[11] Becks gets digital
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to the SUN Becks has ordered digital images to be made for his house of the 
photos of his sending off against Argentina and his goal from the half way line.

[10] IMUSA fanzine piece for September
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
PO Box 69 Stretford Manchester M32 0UZ


The recent announcement of a reduced allocation for the Sunderland away game, is 
testament that the issue of standing at football grounds refuses to go away and it is 
now clear that it is beginning to affect not only United supporters, but also fans of 
clubs such as Liverpool and Leeds. The recent threats issued to supporters of these 
clubs contain much of the same rhetoric as was used last season to United supporters. 
However it is hoped that as a result of submissions made by IMUSA and dialogue held 
with the relevant authorities, that a solution can be found for United fans.

Trafford Borough Councilís announcement that an independent risk assessment of 
standing in seated areas is to be welcomed. A full study of the perceived dangers of a 
whole range of standing circumstances, from arriving and leaving your seat, to 
celebrating a goal, can hopefully only be beneficial to supporters. However, whilst 
the independent nature of the study is vital, IMUSA will also be pushing Trafford to 
work with supporters on the project, so that their views can be heard.

IMUSA continues to support the work being done by the Safe Standing campaign. This has 
always been a national issue and can only be fought as such. Peter Kenyon's recent 
attendance at the Shareholders United meeting left many fans none the wiser on a 
number of matters, however it was clear that United are not happy that it is 
continually our supporters that feel the brunt of any criticism of conduct within 
grounds. Yet whilst they cannot break ranks with the Premier League, in terms of 
supporting Safe Standing, he did agree that a full reasoned debate into the concept 
should happen, which is quite a departure from the head-in-the-sand attitude he 
displayed at the IMUSA meeting he attended last year. When he returns in the next 
couple of months to one of IMUSAís meetings, it will no doubt be reiterated to him 
that United should be using their influence within the Premier League to see the 
debate happen. Meanwhile following a recent meeting at Westminster which included 
organizations, safe standing campaign groups and MP's, they all  
overwhelmingly agreed to support and campaign for the Football 
Spectators Bill which will come before Parliament on 2nd November. 

Roger Godsiff MP, the sponsor of the Football Spectators Bill echoed the statement 
made by Tony Blair in 1995 after the meeting: `While safety must always be the 
number-one criterion, there is no reason to ignore technological improvement made 
since [Lord Justice] Taylor reported, which might now allow for safe standing'.


Meanwhile, on a slightly less serious, but nonetheless equally important matter to 
some, the club have recently announced that draught beer will be available to 
supporters seated in West Tier Two. IMUSA have long since pushed for an improvement in 
that standard of service and facilities available to fans, and therefore this 
development is to be welcomed, and we will push for this to be repeated throughout the 

Former chairman, Andy Walsh, was recently elected as IMUSA's representative on the 
Fans Forum. Doubts still linger as to some of the mechanics and to a lesser degree the 
validity of the forum, but Andy will continue to strive to get our members views 
heard, throughout this season.


The next committee meeting, that all members are free to attend will be at O'Briens, 
Stretford on Thursday October 11th.

It is also hoped that a couple of open meetings will be held before Christmas, one of 
which attended by Peter Kenyon and another by a 'special guest'.       

[9] Coruna update
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
By basque Dave

'Deportivo Update

The Riazor blues have suddenly gone all crap. They started the season well enough, and 
looked on smugly as big rivals leaked points, but then at the weekend lost by the odd 
goal to inferior but inspired opponents in stripes, and then compounded it on Tuesday 
with a lethargic performance, saved only by a last minute goal. Does this all sound 

On paper Depor's home draw against Olympiakos is a good result for us, and ought to 
ensure they come out fighting next week, and we can sit back and hit them on the 
counter as Fergie wants in Europe, and there will be loads of goals etc. etc. In 
reality it will be the usual 0-0 draw in Spain.

Much of the blame for the last two dodgy results has been laid on coach Iruretaís 
rotation policy, and it would be wrong to say that Depor are actually playing badly at 
the moment, more that they have temporarily lost their way. What nobody seems to have 
realised is that the real problem was that it was their debut in the new GREY 
champions league strip, and we all know how difficult these grey strips can be. Good 
news for us is that tricky right-winger Victor sprained an ankle on Tuesday and is 
doubtful for next week, and the Brazilian crazy man Djalminha is also out of action.

The most on Form Corunna players at the moment, sprained Victor aside, are probably 
Diego Tristan the centre-forward, new signing midfielder from Espanyol Sergio 
Gonzalez, known just as Sergio, and Valeron, who surprisingly didn't start on Tuesday, 
but who came on to score the equaliser.

Team line-ups:

Saturday, home vs. Athletic Bilbao (°Aupa el Athletic!), 1-2: Molina; Manuel Pablo, 
Cesar, Djorovic, Capdevilla; Victor, Mauro Silva, Valeron, Amavisca; Makaay, Diego 

Tuesday, home vs Olympiakos, 2-2: Molina; Manuel Pablo, Donato, Naybet, Romero; 
Victor, Sergio, Mauro Silva, Fran; Pandiani, Diego Trist.'

[8] Just a quick point
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
As the FA manage to convince FIFA to play the England-Greece game at 3pm so as to aid 
the 'travelling fans' as that time is the traditional time for matches in England. 

So why have they let TV companies get away with it for years in the Premiership?

[7] Does he not realise he plays alongside Owen?
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sami Hyypia:

"We are not cheats - I repeat, we are not cheats. Of course you can speculate that had 
he gone down we would have got a penalty, but I think fair play is always the best 
way. There could certainly have been a penalty for that challenge on Michael but this 
time we got nothing so we have to be happy with a point."

Gerard Houllier: "We don't want to win games like that."

What about the Charity Shield?

[6] You just don't ring anymore
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Wor Kev on Richard Dunne:

"He didn't turn up on Sunday, he never rang, he never gave a reason and he couldn't be 
contacted. If he had given me any satisfactory explanation he would at least have 
found himself in the squad last night. But I'm not in any way saying Richard Dunne 
will never play for this club again. What I am saying is that Richard Dunne will not 
do this again. I don't have any qualms about what I did with Richard Dunne. If I had 
done something else I would have been insulting some of the other players at the club 
who do turn up on time, who try to adhere to the rules and who if they do anything 
wrong ring me up and say this is the reason or that is the reason."

So Richard, just pick up the phone and say you love him.

[5] Southampton get to host an international
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Japan-Nigeria on October 7.

Saints chairman Rupert Lowe said: "This just shows how far Southampton Football Club 
has come and with our new 32,000-seater stadium we now have the capacity to stage many 
more events of this prestige."

Er, right.

[4] We're all moonies now
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bizarre story of the day was the news that one of the new bidders for buying out QPR 
were the Moonies. A QPR spokesperson said: "We did have a meeting with the Unification 

Now perhaps they should have a look at bidding for city, as after all don't the 
Bitters field 11 cults every week. Have I got that right?

[3] Come on David, keep up
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
What was all that in recent interviews and at the SU meeting about less talk of that 
dreaded 'brand' term and more reference to us being a football club...well nice to 
hear David Gill at the launch of the new Utd hotel - Tulip Inn, although we only have 
a 31% stake - talk about how important the move is for our..."brand".

[2] Our rivals...
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
UEFA Cup result

Maritimo 1 Leeds 0

[1] New Red News out on Saturday
Posted Friday, September 21, 2001 by bar-knee:
Issue 80 is a new Red News on sale on Saturday - just £1.50 - and on sale before the 
game outside Old Trafford.

Included in Red News 80 and unique to the fanzine (which you'll miss if you only check 
the website and don't buy the mag)...

The Red News take on the Jaap Stam departure with new details

Jaap Stam's ghost writer exclusive interviewed with his opinions on the book, his 
departure and what Jaap feels now. Why did Jaap write the book at this point in his 
career, does he believe it was 'footballing reasons', what part of the book was 
changed...well, you'll only find out if you buy Red News!

William Prunier interview - our two game legend - revealed. Find out his thoughts on 
Utd, his two games, Blanc and Eric and what he's been up to since.

Coruna - an indepth look at the place, the team and all manner of insights from our 
very own Basque Dave

Gossip - we know it is many people's favourite part of the fanzine so we have our 
biggest ever gossip column for this issue - 8 pages. A lot of gossip including...well, 
you'll just have to wait and see. Exclusive just to the fanzine.

A look at the lack of real quality video coverage of Utd games from the 50s - and why 
that is. Terry Lewis, Red and MP tells us about a Utd-Burney game from the 50s

A review of the Athens trip

A tribute to Les Sealey

and much more.

Red News, not just United's first fanzine and the one with the most pages but out on 

[23] Champs League groups - by points
Posted Thursday, September 20, 2001 by bar-knee:
Group A  
Real Madrid 6 
Anderlecht 2 
Roma 1 
Loko. Moscow 1 

Group B  
Boavista 4 
Bor. Dortmund 2 
Liverpool 2 
Dynamo Kyiv 1 
Group C  
Panathinaikos 6 
Mallorca 3 
Arsenal 3 
Schalke 0 

Group D  
Nantes 6 
PSV Eindhoven 3 
Galatasaray 3 
Lazio 0

Group E  
Juventus 3 
Porto 3 
Celtic 0 
Rosenborg 0 

Group F  
Barcelona 3 
Bay. Leverkusen 3 
Olymp. Lyonnais 0 
Fenerbahce 0 
Group G  
Man. United 3 
Olymp. Piraeus 1 
Dep. La Coruna 1 
Lille 0 

Group H  
Feyenoord 1 
Spartak Moscow 1 
Bayern Munchen 1 
Sparta Praha 1

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